PoE 2 Evasion – Path of Exile 2

While Path of Exile 2 is still under development, information about specific mechanics like Evasion is limited. Here’s what we can extrapolate based on Path of Exile 1 and developer insights:

Evasion’s Role: Evasion will likely remain a core defensive stat that grants a chance to completely dodge incoming attacks.

Potential Adjustments:

  • Balance Changes: Evasion values on equipment and its overall effectiveness might be adjusted to fit the new game’s difficulty and the introduction of new damage types.
  • Interaction with New Mechanics:
    • Deflection Chance: Path of Exile 2 introduces a new stat called "Deflection Chance" that offers a separate chance to negate physical damage entirely. This could potentially affect the overall role of Evasion in the defensive hierarchy.
    • Body Armour Rework: A potential rework of body armour might influence the availability or effectiveness of Evasion-focused gear options.

Similarities to Path of Exile 1:

  • Core Functionality: Evasion will likely function similarly, granting a chance to completely avoid incoming attacks based on:
    • Your character’s Dexterity score.
    • Evasion modifiers found on equipment.
    • Passive skill nodes that increase Evasion Rating.
  • Entropy System: The "entropy system" will likely remain in place. This ensures a degree of predictability in terms of successful dodges, preventing situations where multiple attacks consecutively hit or miss.

Limited Information and Resources:

Due to the game being under development, comprehensive guides or in-depth information solely focused on Path of Exile 2 Evasion are unavailable.

Staying Updated:

  • Official Path of Exile 2 Website: https://pathofexile2.com/ While specifics are limited, the website might reveal more details about Evasion mechanics closer to release.
  • Developer Updates: Keep an eye on Path of Exile 2’s official channels for announcements and potential gameplay footage showcasing defensive mechanics.

Here are some additional considerations:

  • Unique Item Interactions: Specific unique items might have properties that enhance Evasion or its synergy with other defensive mechanics.
  • Ascendancy Classes: New Ascendancy Classes might have special effects or passives that improve the effectiveness of Evasion.


Evasion is likely to remain a relevant defensive approach in Path of Exile 2. However, the introduction of new mechanics like Deflection Chance and a potential rework of body armour suggest adjustments to the overall defensive landscape compared to Path of Exile 1. Stay tuned to official channels and content creators for the latest information as the game’s release draws near.

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