PoE 2 Energy Shield – Path of Exile 2

According to the video, Energy Shield regeneration will be more limited and require specific investment in Path of Exile 2. Here’s a breakdown of what the video mentions:

  • Passive regeneration not guaranteed: Unlike life regeneration, which is constantly happening, energy shield won’t recover passively all the time.
  • Recovery through specific means: The video mentions "leech" and "Wicked Ward" as ways to recover energy shield. This suggests that players will need to actively take steps to replenish their energy shield.
  • Energy shield as a buffer: The speaker seems to imply that energy shield acts more like a temporary shield that absorbs damage before depleting. Recovering it requires specific actions.

Overall, the video suggests that relying solely on passive energy shield regeneration won’t be a viable strategy in Path of Exile 2. Players will need to explore alternative methods like leech and potentially invest in skills or items that support energy shield recovery.

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