PoE 2 Economic System – Path of Exile 2

While Path of Exile 2 is still under development, details regarding its final economic system are scarce. However, based on pronouncements by the developers and the established economic system in Path of Exile, here’s what we can expect:

Shifting Trade Landscape:

  • Reduced Reliance on Third-Party Trading:
    • Developers have openly acknowledged concerns about the dominance of external trade platforms in Path of Exile’s economy.
    • Path of Exile 2 might implement features that encourage a more in-game trading experience, potentially reducing reliance on external tools.

Core Principles Likely to Remain:

  • Barter System:
    • Path of Exile 2 will most likely retain a core element of the first game: a barter system where players exchange various in-game items and currencies.
    • This fosters a player-driven economy where the value of items fluctuates based on supply, demand, and their utility within the game.

Potential Changes:

  • Focus on Meaningful Drops:
    • Developers might prioritize a system where players find valuable items through direct gameplay, reducing the need for extensive trading.
    • This could involve introducing more targeted loot drops or revamping existing mechanics to make them more rewarding.


  • Specific Currency System:
    • Details about the exact currencies used in Path of Exile 2 are unknown.
    • The developers might introduce new currencies or revamp existing ones to fit the new trading landscape.

Here are some resources that might provide further insight:

  • Path of Exile Manifesto: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-forum/dev-manifesto (Discusses the developer’s vision for the game, including potential economic changes)
  • News Articles and Discussions: Searching online for "Path of Exile 2 economic system" can reveal ongoing discussions and speculations about the upcoming economic model.

Remember, information regarding Path of Exile 2’s economic system is subject to change as the game is still under development.

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