Payday 3 Review

Payday 3 Reviews

Payday 3 launched with mixed reviews, and opinions vary depending on what you prioritize in a game. Here’s a breakdown of its good and bad points to help you decide if it’s worth it for you:


  • Improved core gameplay: Movement feels smoother, gunplay is punchier, and stealth mechanics are more nuanced. The new heists are well-designed and offer a variety of challenges.
  • Awesome AI: Enemies are smarter and more responsive, making combat more tactical and exciting.
  • Great new features: Deployable cover, hostages as shields, and new gadgets add fresh tactical options.
  • High replayability: The difficulty settings and perk decks offer plenty of room for experimentation and mastery.


  • Lack of content: Only eight heists at launch, compared to Payday 2’s massive library.
  • Grindy progression: Unlocking perks and upgrades feels slow and repetitive.
  • Technical issues: Some players experience bugs, crashes, and performance problems.
  • Always-online requirement: This may be a dealbreaker for some players who prefer offline play.
  • Mixed feelings about monetization: While no pay-to-win mechanics are present, some cosmetic items seem overpriced.


Payday 3 has the potential to be a great sequel, but it feels slightly unfinished at launch. If you’re a die-hard Payday fan and patient, the core gameplay improvements and new heists might be enough to justify the purchase. However, if you’re looking for a game with tons of content or a smooth, bug-free experience, you might want to wait for some post-launch patches or consider Payday 2 with its extensive mod library.

Here are some resources with more detailed reviews:

Ultimately, the decision is up to you!

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Payday 3 has received mixed reviews from critics

Payday 3 has received mixed reviews from critics and players alike. Here’s a summary of the good and bad points to help you decide if it’s worth checking out:


  • Excellent new heists: The eight available heists are well-designed and offer a variety of challenges, with highlights being the Under The Surphaze art museum heist and the Gold & Shark bank heist.
  • Improved combat and AI: The shooting and movement feel smoother and more responsive compared to Payday 2, and the AI presents a more tactical challenge.
  • Enhanced stealth options: Stealth gameplay has been expanded with new mechanics like hostage shields and environmental interactions, making it a more viable and rewarding approach.


  • Lack of content: The eight heists feel like a significant drop from Payday 2’s massive library, leaving the game feeling light on content at launch.
  • Grindy progression: The skill tree and weapon upgrades feel overly grindy, requiring a lot of time and effort to unlock everything.
  • Technical issues: The game has been plagued by bugs and performance problems since launch, which can be frustrating for players.
  • Always-online requirement: Unlike its predecessors, Payday 3 requires an online connection to play, which might not be ideal for everyone.


Payday 3 has the potential to be a great heist game, but its current state is a bit rough. The excellent new heists, improved gameplay, and expanded stealth options are promising, but the lack of content, grindy progression, and technical issues hold it back. If you’re a huge Payday fan and are willing to overlook the negatives, you might enjoy it. However, if you’re looking for a polished and complete experience, you might want to wait for some patches and additional content before diving in.


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