Palworld Pals Not Working On Assembly Line

Getting your Pals to work efficiently on an assembly line in Palworld can be tricky, but there are several things you can try to troubleshoot the issue:

General Troubleshooting:

  • Basic Needs: Ensure your Pals are well-fed, hydrated, and rested. Check for status effects like "Stunned" or "Poisoned" that might hinder their work.
  • Work Orders: Verify that your Pals are assigned to the correct workstations within the assembly line. Use the "Order" menu to set their specific tasks.
  • Station Placement and Access: Double-check that the assembly line is built correctly and that Pals can access all workstations without obstructions. Ensure the belt direction matches the work order flow.
  • Pals’ Abilities: Not all Pals are suited for assembly line work. Check their stats and skills to see if they have the required dexterity and stamina. Train them if necessary.
  • Automation Settings: Review your automation settings for the assembly line, ensuring materials flow correctly and Pals don’t get stuck in loops due to missing resources.
  • Mod Conflicts: If using mods, temporarily disable them to see if they interfere with functionality.

Specific to Assembly Lines:

  • Workstation Orientation: Assembly lines have a specific work direction (indicated by arrows). Ensure your Pals are positioned facing the correct side of the workstation.
  • Material Availability: Double-check that enough resources are available at the input of the assembly line to keep Pals working continuously.
  • Bug Fixes: Look for known bugs or glitches related to assembly lines in Palworld forums or patch notes.
  • Server Strain: High server load can impact performance. Consider playing during less busy times or reporting the issue to developers if persistent.

Additional Tips:

  • Minimize Idle Time: Design your assembly line to minimize idle time between workstations. Ensure smooth transitions and efficient material flow.
  • Optimize Pals’ Pathfinding: Design your base layout to reduce travel time for Pals between workstations. This saves energy and improves overall efficiency.
  • Upgrade Stations: Upgrading workstations can increase their speed and efficiency, leading to higher production output.
  • Observe and Refine: Actively observe your assembly line, identify bottlenecks, and adjust your setup or Pal assignments for optimal performance.


  • Address basic needs, ensure proper work assignments and access, and resolve potential conflicts.
  • Consider reporting the issue to Palworld developers with detailed information about your setup and observations.
  • Be patient and experiment with different configurations to find what works best for your specific assembly line and Pals.

By following these tips and troubleshooting effectively, you can get your Pals working efficiently on your assembly line in Palworld and maximize your production output.

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