Palworld Pals Not Working Indoors

It’s frustrating to see your Pals struggling to work indoors in Palworld. Luckily, there are several potential reasons and solutions to explore:

Basic Troubleshooting:

  • Needs and Status: Ensure their Hunger, Thirst, and Energy levels are fulfilled. Check for status effects like "Stunned," "Poisoned," or "Sleeping" that might hinder their work.
  • Work Orders: Verify that Pals have specific work orders assigned. Throwing them indoors won’t automatically set tasks. Use the "Order" menu for specific instructions.
  • Work Station Access: Make sure Pals have access to the necessary work stations inside. Ensure proper placement and clearance to avoid obstructions.
  • Pathfinding Issues: Look for any obstacles blocking their path inside the building, like closed doors, furniture, or poorly placed decorations. Adjust the layout for unobstructed movement.
  • Environmental Requirements: Some Pals might have specific temperature or light requirements. For example, certain water-dwelling Pals might not function well in dry environments. Adapt the indoor environment accordingly.

Specific to Indoor Work:

  • Ceiling Height: Pals need sufficient headroom to move and interact with workstations. Double-check your indoor construction for adequate space.
  • Lighting Conditions: Some Pals rely on specific lighting levels for optimal performance. Adjust lighting sources (torches, windows) to suit their needs.
  • Ventilation: Pals have oxygen needs. Ensure proper ventilation indoors, especially for large groups, to prevent suffocation or hindered performance.
  • Automation Settings: Review automation settings for indoor tasks like transporting and storing resources. Ensure Pals aren’t stuck in loops due to missing resources or inaccessible containers.

Additional Tips:

  • Observe and Adapt: Watch how your Pals behave indoors and adjust your environment, work station placement, or task assignments based on their needs.
  • Minimize Complexity: Overly complex or cluttered indoor spaces can create pathfinding issues. Opt for clear layouts and well-organized work areas.
  • Utilize Alternative Commands: Sometimes, using the "Order" menu directly might be more effective than relying solely on throwing Pals indoors, especially for complex tasks.
  • Report Issues: If none of these solutions work, consider reporting the issue to Palworld developers with detailed information about your indoor setup, the Pals affected, and what you’ve tried.

Remember, these challenges might arise due to various factors, including game mechanics, potential bugs, or your specific indoor design. By following these steps, adapting your environment, and providing feedback to the developers, you can help your Pals work efficiently and comfortably indoors in Palworld.

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