Palworld Pals Not Working At Base

It’s frustrating when your Pals aren’t working properly at your base in Palworld, even when you’re present. Here are some potential reasons and solutions to investigate:

Basic Troubleshooting:

  • Needs and Status: Ensure your Pals are well-fed, hydrated, and rested. Check for status effects like "Stunned" or "Poisoned" that might hinder their work.
  • Work Orders: Verify correct work orders are assigned. Use the "Order" menu to double-check their tasks and ensure they understand their duties.
  • Work Stations: Make sure Pals have access to the necessary work stations for their assigned tasks. Some Pals require specific stations like furnaces or forges.
  • Pathfinding: Check for any obstacles blocking their path or limiting movement. Open doors, remove fences, and create clear paths to work areas.
  • Pals’ Stats: Review their stats and skills. Some tasks might require specific abilities or minimum skill levels they lack. Train them accordingly or assign tasks they’re suited for.

Advanced Troubleshooting:

  • Mod Conflicts: If using mods, temporarily disable them to see if they interfere with functionality. Mods can sometimes cause unintended issues.
  • Resetting Pals: As a last resort, reset your Pals’ AI behavior using the "Reset AI" option. This erases learned skills but might resolve stuck states.
  • Bug Fixes: Check for known bugs or glitches reported by players or developers. Community forums and patch notes can offer insights and potential solutions.
  • Server Strain: High server load can impact performance. Consider playing during less busy times or reporting the issue to developers if persistent.

Specific to Pals Not Working at Base:

  • Range and Rendering: Pal actions might not fully render when you’re far away. If possible, stay near your base to ensure proper functionality.
  • Station Placement: Strategically place workstations to minimize travel time and pathfinding issues. Compact base design helps.
  • Automation Settings: Review automation settings for tasks like transporting and storing resources. Ensure Pals aren’t stuck in loops or waiting for unavailable resources.
  • Base Size and Complexity: Very large or intricate bases can strain performance. Consider simplifying your base layout and reducing the number of Pals or tasks simultaneously.


  • Address basic needs, ensure proper work assignments and access, and resolve potential conflicts.
  • Consider reporting the issue to Palworld developers with detailed information about your setup and observations.
  • Be patient, as these are ongoing challenges in Palworld, and permanent solutions might require further development efforts.

By diligently investigating these points and seeking appropriate solutions, you can increase your chances of getting your Pals working efficiently at your base in Palworld.

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