Palworld Pals Not Attacking

There are several reasons why your Pals might not be attacking in Palworld. Here are some steps you can take to troubleshoot the issue:

Basic Troubleshooting:

  • Pals’ Status: Ensure your Pals are healthy and well-rested. Check for status effects like "Stunned," "Poisoned," or "Sleeping" that might prevent them from attacking.
  • Work Orders: Verify that your Pals haven’t been accidentally assigned a work order like "Gather" or "Transport" instead of "Attack." Use the "Order" menu to check and adjust their tasks.
  • Target Selection: Make sure your Pals are actually targeting the enemy you want them to attack. You can manually select targets or use the "Attack My Target" or "Aggressive" order in the action wheel.
  • Obstructions: Check if any obstacles block your Pals’ path to the enemy, like furniture, fences, or terrain features. Clear the way for smooth movement.
  • Enemy Visibility: If the enemy is hidden or out of sight, your Pals might not be able to attack them. Move closer or scout the area to ensure clear visibility.

Specific to Attacking:

  • Pals’ Skills and Stats: Review your Pals’ stats and skills. Some Pals might not be suited for combat and lack offensive abilities. Choose Pals with attack-oriented skills like "Claw" or "Bite."
  • Weapon Equipment: Ensure your Pals are equipped with appropriate weapons for their size and strength. Check for durability issues and damage potential.
  • Enemy Type: Some enemies have resistances or immunities to specific damage types. Consider your Pals’ weapons and adapt your strategy accordingly.
  • Fear Effects: Check if your Pals are experiencing fear from the enemy, which can prevent them from attacking. Use calming items or abilities to mitigate this effect.

Additional Tips:

  • Observe and Adapt: Watch how your Pals behave in combat and adjust your tactics, target selection, or Pal composition based on their strengths and weaknesses.
  • Utilize Formations: Setting up formations (V, Arrow, etc.) can improve your Pals’ movement and coordination in combat.
  • Report Issues: If none of these solutions work, consider reporting the issue to Palworld developers with detailed information about your Pals, equipment, the enemy you’re fighting, and what you’ve tried.

Remember, identifying the underlying reason for your Pals’ hesitation to attack is crucial for effective troubleshooting. By following these steps, carefully analyzing the situation, and adapting your tactics accordingly, you can get your Pals back in the fight and conquer your enemies in Palworld!

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