Palworld Items Stuck In Inventory

Having items stuck in your inventory in Palworld can be frustrating! Here are some steps you can take to try and fix the issue:

Identify the Cause:

  • Glitch: Sometimes, items might get stuck due to temporary glitches. Restarting the game or reloading your save file can often resolve these issues.
  • Full Inventory: Make sure your inventory doesn’t exceed its capacity. Try discarding or storing unnecessary items to free up space.
  • Bugged Item: In rare cases, there might be a bug specific to the item preventing it from being used or dropped.
  • Pals Equipped: Double-check if any Pals accidentally have the item equipped in their inventory. Unequip it if necessary.
  • Mod Interference: If you’re using mods, some might conflict with inventory functionality. Deactivate them temporarily to see if the issue persists.


  • Drop the Item: Try carefully dropping the item on the ground. If it’s not glitched, you should be able to pick it back up.
  • Sell/Discard: If dropping doesn’t work, consider selling the item through a vendor or discarding it if it’s not valuable.
  • Transfer to Chest: Try transferring the item to a chest within your base to see if it gets unstuck.
  • Contact Devs: If none of these solutions work, report the issue to the Palworld developers through their official channels. They might be able to offer further assistance or identify a specific bug fix.

Additional Tips:

  • Backup Saves: Regularly back up your save files to avoid losing progress if the issue persists or worsens.
  • Community Resources: Check online forums and communities dedicated to Palworld. Other players might have encountered similar issues and found solutions.
  • Be Patient: Fixing bugs and glitches can take time. Be patient and wait for official updates or workarounds if necessary.

By following these steps and utilizing the available resources, you should be able to resolve the issue of items getting stuck in your inventory in Palworld. Remember, reporting bugs to the developers helps them improve the game and provides valuable information for future updates.

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