Palworld Gold Key Farm

While farming Gold Keys in Palworld can be tempting, it’s important to remember that some methods considered "farming" involve exploits or glitches that violate game rules and can lead to penalties, including account bans. Here’s a rundown of legitimate and rewarding ways to acquire Gold Keys:

Defeating Black Marketeers:

  • The most reliable and consistent method is facing Black Marketeers, found at random spawn points around the map.
  • These encounters are challenging, so prepare yourself with strong Pals and appropriate equipment.
  • Defeating one always guarantees a Gold Key and a significant amount of gold coins.

Exploring and Resource Gathering:

  • While less consistent, some enemies have a chance to drop Gold Keys, particularly higher-level ones or those inhabiting specific areas like the Desecrated Desert or Ruins of Eldorado.
  • Explore thoroughly, as Gold Keys might be hidden in chests, containers, or tucked away in off-the-beaten-path locations.

Completing Quests:

  • Certain quests, especially higher-level ones, offer Gold Keys as rewards upon completion.
  • Prioritize these quests while exploring and progressing through the game’s narrative.

Utilizing Events and Challenges:

  • Special events or community challenges initiated by the developers or community leaders might provide Gold Keys as rewards for participation or successful completion.
  • Stay informed about these opportunities and actively engage in them.

Trading with Players:

  • Online communities and marketplaces often facilitate player-to-player trading.
  • Negotiate fair trades with other players who might possess Gold Keys they’re willing to sell or exchange.

Tips for Successful Gold Key Acquisition:

  • Increase your Luck stat: This stat slightly influences your chances of obtaining valuable drops from enemies and chests, potentially including Gold Keys.
  • Invest in storage: You’ll accumulate various loot alongside Gold Keys, so prepare sufficient storage space.
  • Join a guild or community: Collaborate with other players to share information, strategize, and potentially trade Gold Keys for mutual benefit.


  • Prioritize legitimate methods within the game’s intended mechanics.
  • Avoid using glitches or exploits, as they harm the overall gaming experience and risk punishment.
  • Enjoy the exploration, discovery, and challenge of acquiring Gold Keys through fair gameplay!

I hope this information empowers you to acquire Gold Keys safely and ethically while adhering to Palworld’s terms of service and enjoying the journey.

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