Palworld Fastest Mounts Tier List

Here’s a tier list for the fastest mounts in Palworld, considering both flying and ground options:


  • Jetragon (Flying): Unquestionably the fastest mount in the game, but requires end-game progress and crafting a special item.
  • Necromus (Ground): Extremely fast with a double jump capability, ideal for late-game exploration.
  • Paladius (Ground): Boasts impressive speed and the unique ability to triple jump.


  • Frostallion/Australobe (Flying): Late-game option with excellent speed and a regional variant.
  • Faleris (Flying): Mid-late game mount with good speed and decent combat capabilities.
  • Azurobe (Flying): Offers solid speed, underwater gliding, and unique water traversal.
  • Direhowl (Ground): Early-game powerhouse with good speed and readily available saddle.


  • Ragnarok/Beacon (Flying): Mid-game choices with respectable speed and accessibility.
  • Helzephyr/Suzaku (Flying): Balanced speed with focus on Wind or Fire attacks respectively.
  • Eikthyrdeer Terra (Ground): Fast ground mount with a double jump, good for early-mid game.
  • Surfent (Water): Fastest water mount, ideal for navigating aquatic areas.


  • Nitewing (Flying): First accessible flying mount, decent for early game but outclassed later.
  • Vanwyrm/One Worm (Flying): Average speed but offer heat resistance or desert adaptation.
  • Other Ground Mounts: Many ground mounts exist, but most are slower than top contenders.


  • This tier list is based on speed alone. Other factors like stamina, combat, and resource gathering can influence your choice.
  • New mounts and balance changes might occur in future updates, shifting the rankings.
  • Experiment with different mounts to find the best fit for your needs and playstyle.

I hope this comprehensive tier list helps you choose the fastest mount for your Palworld adventures!

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