Palworld Dedicated Server

Setting up a dedicated server for Palworld allows you and your friends to enjoy a private multiplayer experience on your own terms. Here’s a comprehensive guide to get you started:


  • Copy of Palworld on Steam: You need a Steam account with Palworld access and the "Palworld Dedicated Server" tool enabled.
  • Suitable Server: Choose a server with sufficient hardware resources like CPU, RAM, and storage to handle the expected number of players smoothly. Popular options include cloud servers offered by providers like DigitalOcean, Linode, or Amazon Web Services.
  • Basic knowledge of Linux: Setting up the server involves working with command lines and configuration files, so some Linux familiarity is helpful.

Setup Steps:

  1. Install SteamCMD: This tool manages Steam server installations. Follow the official guide based on your chosen operating system.
  2. Download Palworld Server Files: Use SteamCMD to download the dedicated server files: steamcmd +login anonymous +app_update 2394010 validate +quit.
  3. Configure Server Settings: Edit the DefaultPalWorldSettings.ini file within the server folder to adjust settings like world name, password, player slots, and game mode.
  4. Launch the Server: Run the PalServer.exe executable. You can manage the server process and view logs through a command prompt.
  5. Connect to the Server: In your Palworld game, select "Join Multiplayer Game" and connect using your server’s IP address and chosen port (default is 27015). If password-protected, enter the password as well.

Additional Tips:

  • Port Forwarding: If your server is behind a firewall, configure port forwarding to allow incoming connections on port 27015 (or your chosen port).
  • Server Management: Tools like Pterodactyl or ARK Server Manager can simplify server management and offer web-based interfaces for configuration and monitoring.
  • Mods: Consider using server-side mods to customize your gameplay experience. Research compatible mods and follow installation instructions carefully.
  • Optimization: Optimize server performance by adjusting settings, allocating sufficient resources, and using server optimization tools.

Remember: Setting up a dedicated server involves technical aspects. Research thoroughly, troubleshoot issues, and consider seeking help from online communities or experienced users if needed.

While playing on a dedicated server offers its advantages, keep in mind the ongoing responsibility of managing and maintaining it. Weigh the pros and cons before committing to this setup.

Enjoy your private Palworld adventures with friends!

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