MW3 Team Gun Game Mode

Game Mode: Team Gun Game (Launch)

Game Mode: Team Gun Game (Launch)

Instead of the usual free-for-all action that Gun Game is famous for, Team Gun Game matches take place with base Team Deathmatch rules in effect, albeit with a few important differences: Every player starts with the same specific weapon, and you’re here to work with your squadmates, eliminating rival players as a team to progress through a set of eight predetermined weapons.

Score enough points and all teammates spawn with the next weapon simultaneously, with ten team kills per gun progression and five for the final weapon. Naturally, you may want alternative ways to stop the rival team from scoring, which is handy if you’re adept at knife melees and Finishing Moves: Each of those close-quarter takedowns deducts one point from the enemy team’s score, but only to the initial progression score of the weapon your foes are currently using. The first team to score 75 points wins.

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work: Conquering MW3 Team Gun Game

You’ve got the gist of Team Gun Game, but let’s delve deeper to strategize victory for your squad:

Key Differences:

  • Teams: Cooperation is crucial. Coordinate attacks, cover teammates, and revive whenever possible.
  • Shared Progression: Everyone spawns with the same weapon. Focus on team kills to unlock the next weapon for the entire team.
  • Knife/Finishing Move: Counter enemy progress by performing close-quarter takedowns, deducting points from their current weapon tier.


  • Communication: Discuss strategies, call out enemy positions, and coordinate weapon choices based on map and situation.
  • Divide and Conquer: Spread out to cover more ground and flank enemies, but don’t stray too far for quick support.
  • Utilize Cover: Stick together, use cover efficiently, and suppress enemy positions to create kill opportunities.
  • Power Weapons: Prioritize eliminating enemies on higher weapon tiers to slow their progress.
  • Knife/Finishing Move Specialist: Designate a player to focus on close-quarter takedowns for point deductions.
  • Adapt to the Map: Use map knowledge to your advantage, exploit choke points, and set up ambushes.

Additional Tips:

  • Learn the weapon progression order to anticipate upcoming challenges and adjust tactics accordingly.
  • Don’t underestimate the power of lower-tier weapons, skilled players can still dominate with them.
  • Utilize grenades and tactical equipment strategically to support your team’s push or defend objectives.
  • Stay motivated and positive, a good team spirit can carry you through tough battles.

Remember, teamwork and communication are key in Team Gun Game. By working together, strategizing effectively, and adapting to the situation, you and your squad can dominate the battlefield and achieve victory!

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