MW3 Skidgrow Map

Skidgrow (Mid-Season)

Skidgrow (Mid-Season)

Map variant, limited-time, Core, 6v6, medium-sized

The flora has taken over as Skidrow becomes the site of massive overgrowth, as if the population vanished letting nature take its inevitable toll. Ivy hangs down the sides of the buildings and creeps along abandoned vehicles, even breaking into the interior spaces of the map. Weeds and grass push up through the crumbled concrete. At this rate, the once urban center will soon resemble a jungle. Fight on to ensure that you’re the king of it.

Enter a vastly overgrown Skidrow as the plant life has taken over, with thick ivy covering the decrepit tenement block walls, tufts of grass have pushed through the concrete, mold and moss coat every corner, and green, vine-like tendrils strangle the rusted vehicle shells, returning this urban landscape back to nature.

MW3 Skidrow Map: A Verdant Take on the Urban Jungle


  • Game: Modern Warfare 3 (Mid-Season, Limited-Time)
  • Mode: Core, 6v6
  • Size: Medium (Skidrow variant)
  • Theme: Overgrown urban environment with dense vegetation, replacing the familiar gritty streets.

Key Features:

  • Skidrow Reborn: The once desolate cityscape is now engulfed by nature, with thick ivy, grass, and vines reclaiming the space.
  • Strategic Vegetation: Utilize overgrown areas for cover, ambushes, and flanking maneuvers.
  • Limited-Time Mode: Experience the verdant twist on the classic map for a specific duration only.


  • Adapt to the new sightlines and cover opportunities created by the vegetation.
  • Be mindful of sound when moving through dense foliage, as it can give away your position.
  • Use verticality to your advantage, climbing overgrown structures for unexpected attacks.
  • Consider loadouts that excel in close-quarters combat due to the map’s nature.

Additional Notes:

  • As a limited-time mode, specific details and strategies might evolve or change throughout its availability.
  • The overgrown environment might create a more visually confusing and potentially less open feel compared to the original Skidrow.
  • If you enjoy unique map variations and strategic challenges, the verdant Skidrow could be a refreshing change of pace.

I hope this overview prepares you for the nature-infused battles of MW3 Skidrow! Remember, information might be subject to change due to the limited-time nature of the mode.

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