MW3 Commando Gloves - Modern Warfare 3

Commando Gloves

MW3 Commando Gloves

Reload while sprinting.

Commando Gloves (Perk): Reload while sprinting.

Unlocks for Level 29: New Perk.

Reloading while sprinting is a valuable perk, but its niche uses mean I can’t rate the Commando gloves any higher. If I’m running, it’s usually to cover open ground or if I’m trying a cheesy close-range build. The issue is that sound is a big deal in Call of Duty. If a player hears you coming, they will be ready. If you’re caught reloading while sprinting, you’re dead.

Combined with the Covert Sneakers that reduce the sound of your footsteps, Commando Gloves are deadly. Outside that niche case, I prefer the other options.

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All Gloves perks in Modern Warfare 3

Quick-Grip Gloves

Increased weapon swap speed.

Ordnance Gloves

Throw equipment farther. Reset fuse timer on thrown back grenades.

Commando Gloves

Reload while sprinting.

Scavenger Gloves

Resupply ammo and throwing knives from dead players.

Marksman Gloves

Reduced sway and flinch while ADS.

Assault Gloves

While jumping, accuracy and time to ADS is improved.