MW3 Collateral – Modern Warfare 3


Collateral: When a single bullet eliminates more than one enemy.

In the high-octane world of Modern Warfare III 2023, where bullets sing and lead dances a deadly ballet, the "Collateral" is a feat of marksmanship that deserves a standing ovation. It’s the moment when a single shot transcends its intended target, finding an unexpected second or even third enemy in its deadly path, leaving a trail of stunned survivors and epic killcam replays.

The Essence of a Collateral:

  • Skill & Precision: Collaterals aren’t accidents; they demand pinpoint accuracy, keen awareness of enemy positioning, and a touch of luck. A perfectly placed bullet through a narrow doorway, a ricochet off a strategically placed object, or a well-timed burst through a cluster of enemies – these are the ingredients that cook up a satisfying Collateral.

  • The Thrill of the Unexpected: The beauty of a Collateral lies in its surprise factor. You aim for one, but down two (or even three!), sending shockwaves through the battlefield and leaving both your team and the enemy team in awe.

  • The Power of Momentum: A well-timed Collateral can shift the tide of a battle. Eliminating multiple enemies in a single shot disrupts their attack, creates a power vacuum, and opens up opportunities for your team to capitalize.

  • The Highlight Reel Hero: Collaterals are instant replay material. Witnessing a teammate pull off this feat is enough to send everyone cheering, while landing one yourself grants you bragging rights for days (or weeks!).

Beyond the Basics:

  • Know your weapon: Different weapons have different bullet penetration and ricochet potential. Choose a weapon that suits your aiming style and the map layout to increase your Collateral chances.
  • Environmental awareness: Walls, doorways, and even explosive barrels can become your allies in creating ricochet opportunities. Use the map to your advantage and think creatively about bullet paths.
  • Predictive aiming: Don’t just aim at what you see; anticipate enemy movement and line up your shots accordingly. Sometimes, leading your target slightly can lead to a satisfying double kill.

Remember: Collaterals are rare gems, not everyday occurrences. Enjoy the thrill of the moment when they happen, but don’t chase them obsessively. Focus on honing your skills, playing strategically, and contributing to your team’s success. If a Collateral comes your way, consider it a bonus reward for your sharpshooting prowess.

So, soldier, keep your trigger finger steady, your eyes peeled, and your mind sharp. You never know when a perfectly placed bullet might find its way through multiple enemies, etching your name in the Modern Warfare III 2023 hall of fame as a Collateral king (or queen)!

May your shots be laser-guided and your Collaterals legendary!

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