MW3 Armory Unlocks List

MW3 Armory Unlocks List: Your Guide to Gear and Glory

Modern Warfare 3’s Armory Unlock system offered a diverse array of items to enhance your gameplay experience. From powerful killstreaks to tactical perks and sleek gear, here’s a breakdown of the main categories and some notable unlocks:


  • UAV: Reveals enemy locations on the minimap, a crucial tool for tactical awareness.
  • Predator Missile: Lock on and eliminate distant enemies with this guided explosive.
  • AC-130: Unleash devastating firepower with this airborne gunship, ideal for dominating large maps.
  • Steaks: Chain together multiple killstreaks, like Harriers, Chopper Gunniers, and Pave Low, for ultimate dominance.


  • Semtex: Sticky grenade with potent blast radius, perfect for strategic placements and ambushes.
  • Claymore: Directional explosive that detonates when enemies pass by, great for defending key areas.
  • Flashbang: Blinds enemies temporarily, creating confusion and opportunities for attack.
  • Stim: Revive yourself instantly after being downed, giving you a second chance in combat.


  • Steady Aim: Reduce weapon sway while aiming down sights, crucial for precise shots.
  • Marathon: Increase running speed, ideal for flanking enemies or escaping danger.
  • Bandolier: Carry extra ammunition for sustained firefights.
  • Ghost T/V Camo: Stay off enemy radar and hide from UAVs, perfect for stealthy plays.


  • Covert Sneakers: Muffle your footsteps, allowing for silent movement and surprise attacks.
  • Marksman Gloves: Improve reload speed and aim down sight time, boosting your combat efficiency.
  • Decoy Grenade: Create a holographic distraction of yourself, confusing enemies and opening up tactical opportunities.
  • Tactical Pad: Slide faster and perform dolphin dives, adding mobility and tactical options.


  • This is just a glimpse of the available Armory Unlocks. Each category boasts various options with unique benefits and playstyles.
  • Unlocks are earned through in-game challenges and leveling up. Completing Daily Challenges contributes towards certain Armory items.
  • Experiment with different unlocks to find what best suits your gameplay style and preferred maps.

I hope this list provides a helpful overview of MW3’s Armory Unlocks!

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