MW3 Close Air - Modern Warfare 3

Close Air” is the seventh mission in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II single-player campaign. This mission takes place entirely in Shadow-1 — a military plane that will provide air support to Ghost and his team on the ground.

This Close Air walkthrough contains a detailed explanation of all the tasks you need to complete this mission.

  • Completion Reward: Double XP token Consumable

Close Air Walkthrough

The first thing you have to do is confirm visual on the friendlies on the ground. Move your camera around until you find them; they will signal with a laser you can easily spot by turning on your thermal vision.

Scan for Hassan

Your next move is to scan the area to find any target with arm guards. Use the zoom-in feature to better see what’s going on in the ground.

Once the truck starts moving, track it to see if it has something fishy.

Next, turn your vision to the nearby greenhouse (you won’t be able to see what’s going on inside unless you turn off your thermal vision).

After checking the greenhouse, you will be clear to open fire. Still, you can only attack armed people, so be careful not to launch an attack on civilians or buildings.

Clearing the Stable

When using the plane’s weapon, you must consider the aircraft’s distance from the ground and its movement. This means that the bullets will be delayed from when they are fired to when they hit the selected target.

Start clearing until you can’t see any more armed personnel. The team on the ground will move to clear the stables, and your job will be to take down any armed stragglers.

Switch to the 40mm and destroy the stables.

Clearing the Greenhouse

Next up is the Greenhouse. First, you must look inside to see if Hassan is inside. Once you have confirmed he isn’t there, you will be free to destroy the greenhouse however you see best.

Clearing the Compound

The only building left is the compound. Hit the water tower first to deal with the enemies outside the compound, then kill anyone near the team on the ground.

Once the area outside the compound is secure, switch to LTM (missiles) to open the compound’s door.

Clear the enemies outside and wait until the team gets inside the building.

Once the boys are inside, watch for any armed enemies leaving the compound and deal with them. When the military men get in the area, you are free to shoot at them too.

After dealing with everyone, the team will be safe to go outside with the target secured, and the mission will be over.

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Close Air is the seventh mission featured in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II.


  • Shadow-1 TV Operator (playable)
  • Phillip Graves
  • Alejandro Vargas
  • Simon “Ghost” Riley
  • Johnny “Soap” MacTavish
  • Rodolfo Parra
  • Hassan Zyani (P.O.W.)

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Cartel Protection

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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II


Shadow-1 TV Operator


Shadow Company


Las Almas, Mexico


October 30th, 2022 13H00


Las Almas Cartel

Hassan Zyani

Console codename



  • The coordinates displayed on the HUD point in the Gulf of Mexico around 150 miles from Corpus Christi.
  • Despite the opening cutscene showing the loading of a 105mm Howitzer, the Howitzer is not usable in gameplay
  • The use of Air-To-Ground missiles imply that the AC-130 variant used is the AC-130J Ghostrider or the AC-130W Stinger II. This becomes problematic during gameplay, as the two above listed variants make no use of the 40mm BOFORs cannon that was previously used in AC-130 missions