MW3 Best Sniper Rifle Setup Loadout Build Class 2023 – Modern Warfare 3 - Modern Warfare 3

The best Sniper Rifle in Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) is the SP-X 80 due to its versatility. Read on to learn more about the SP-X 80, its pros and cons, and recommended game modes and maps to use it in.

Best Sniper Rifle

SP-X 80

SP-X 80’s excellent handling and lightweight nature make it the best sniper in Modern Warfare 3. It provides the best mobility of all the snipers in the game despite still packing high damage. This means it’s versatile and can be kitted out according to your needs.

You can use it as a traditional sniper by taking camping spots and attacking enemies from long range. Equip this with a high-powered barrel that gives strong bullet velocity and you’ll be gunning down enemies before they can even spot you.

You can also use it in the classic Call of Duty style of running and gunning and quickscoping enemies at will. Use a shorter scope and get a quicker reload speed and you’ll turn this into a lethal mid-range weapon.

Pros Cons
+ Extremely Mobile
+ Great Handling
+ Can Be Used for Different Strategies
– Lowest Base Sniper Damage
– Needs Attachments to Maximize Use

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Recommended Game Modes

Team Deathmatch

For players who want to use the SP-X 80 for running and gunning, TDM will be the best mode due to the small size of the maps. You’ll encounter plenty of any enemies to put your quickscoping skills to the test. If you find you’re having trouble with that strategy, you can always change up your attachments and shift back to the traditional sniping method.


Domination gives you a chance to try out both long-range and mid-range combat with the SP-X 80. You can camp and defend capture points from enemies, or you can go on the offensive and sprint through the map fighting enemies at every turn.

Ground War

Ground War is the best mode for players who want to use the SP-X 80 as a long-range weapon. The large size of the map and the amount of players will make it easy to pick a spot and set up shop there. You’ll be able to pick enemies off from a safe distance, and there will be plenty of areas to reposition to.

Recommended Maps

Sariff Bay

For Ground War, the SP-X 80 is best used in Sariff Bay. Not only is the map extremely large, but there’s plenty of buildings and walls that can provide you cover while trying to snipe at enemies. You can take one of the buildings near the center of the map to have a vantage point spanning all directions.

El Asilo

El Asilo is a good map for both long-range and mid-range use of the SP-X 80. If you want to stay back and snipe from afar, there’s several spaces at the edges of the map that you can position yourself at. If you want to run and gun, you can get into the middle of fights by entering the large warehouse at the center of the map.

Santa Sena Border Crossing

The Santa Sena Border Crossing is a straightforward map since it’s mostly a straight line with lots of cars providing cover. Enemies will usually only come from one direction, so you can just point the SP-X 80 towards them and start firing away.

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