Multi-Table Play in Governor of Poker 3

Multi-table play in Governor of Poker 3 allows you to participate in multiple games simultaneously, enhancing your poker experience and increasing your chances of winning. Here’s a detailed guide on how to engage in multi-table play.

How Do I Enter a Multi-Table?

To start playing multiple tables:

  1. First Table: Enter your first chosen table as usual.

  2. Plus Sign Button: Look for the plus sign button on the right side of your screen. Clicking or tapping this button will allow you to enter an additional table.

  3. Visibility: Each table you enter will be visible on the right side of your screen, allowing you to easily switch between them.

How Many Tables Can I Open at the Same Time?

Governor of Poker 3 Chips for serious players. You can open a maximum of 3 tables simultaneously. However, these tables must be in the same area. You cannot mix tables from different areas. The table menu will show you the available options for opening new tables within the same area.

How Do I Know Which Table I’m Playing In?

To identify the active table:

  • Bright Yellow Border: The current active table will be highlighted with a bright yellow border around the set of cards on the right side of your screen. This visual cue makes it clear which table you are currently sitting at.

How Do You Know When It’s Your Turn to Play?

When it’s your turn to act on any table:

  • Red Exclamation Point: A red exclamation point will appear on the right side of your screen, indicating that it’s your turn on that specific table.

How Will I Know When One of My Table’s Rounds is Over?

To know when a round is over:

  • Face-Down Cards: The set of cards for that table will appear face down on the right side of your screen. This indicates that the round has ended. This visual cue also applies when you enter a new table and a round is already in progress.

Additional Features of Multi-Table Play

In addition to playing up to 3 poker tables at once, you can also play Blackjack:

  • Blackjack Option: Beneath your current open tables on the right side, look for the “21 spade card” icon. Clicking or tapping this icon allows you to choose your buy-in and start playing Blackjack alongside your poker tables.


Multi-table play in Governor of Poker 3 enhances your gaming experience by allowing you to manage up to 3 poker tables at once, all within the same area. With visual cues to indicate active tables and turns, and the added option to play Blackjack simultaneously, you can maximize your engagement and potential winnings. Enjoy the dynamic and fast-paced environment of multi-table play and may the best hands win!

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