MLB The Show 24 Kitchen Sink

Strike a batter out by throwing at least 4 different pitches during the same at-bat. (Excludes sims)

The "Kitchen Sink" trophy/achievement in MLB The Show 24 challenges your pitching repertoire and keeping the batter guessing! Here’s how to conquer it:


  • You need to strike out a batter by throwing at least four different pitches during the same at-bat.
  • Simulated games don’t count towards this trophy.


The key to this trophy is variety and unpredictability in your pitching. Here are some tips:

  • Pitch Selection: Have a good mix of pitches readily available, including fastballs, breaking balls (curveballs, sliders), and off-speed pitches (changeups).

  • Sequencing: Throw your pitches in a sequence that keeps the batter off balance. Don’t be afraid to mix up speeds, locations, and breaking ball types. For example, start with a fastball, then throw a curveball, then a changeup, and finish with a slider (or vice versa).

  • Reading the Batter: Pay attention to the batter’s swing tendencies and adjust your pitch selection accordingly. If they’re sitting on a fastball, surprise them with a breaking ball.

  • Keeping it Close: While aiming for strikeouts, prioritize throwing strikes to avoid walks that would disrupt your pitch sequence.

Modes to Achieve This:

  • Exhibition: This is a great option to practice against the CPU on a lower difficulty level. You can experiment with different pitchers and pitching sequences.

  • Franchise/March to October: Play through games and look for situations where you have a good pitcher on the mound facing a hitter who struggles against a variety of pitches.

Tips for Success:

  • Know Your Pitcher: Be familiar with your pitcher’s strengths and weaknesses. Focus on using their best pitches and ones that complement each other.

  • Practice Pitching: Sharpen your pitching mechanics in batting practice or exhibition games. Work on locating your pitches accurately and mastering different deliveries.

  • Start Early in the Count: Don’t wait until a full count to start mixing up your pitches. Surprise the batter early in the at-bat to disrupt their timing.

Additional Notes:

  • While possible online, it might be easier to get this trophy offline against the CPU.
  • This trophy emphasizes the importance of a diverse pitching arsenal and keeping the hitter off-balance.

So, unleash your inner pitching maestro, mix up your pitches, and aim for that strikeout to secure the prestigious "Kitchen Sink" trophy/achievement!

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