MLB The Show 24 Chin Up Champ

As a pitcher, give up a hit on the first at-bat of an inning and then strike out the next batter.

You’ve got it! The "Chin Up Champ" trophy/achievement in MLB The Show 24 tests your pitching resilience. Here’s how to conquer it:


  • As a pitcher, you need to:
    • Allow a hit on the very first at-bat of any inning (excluding simulated games).
    • Strike out the batter immediately following the hit.

The Challenge:

This trophy requires you to bounce back after giving up a hit and compose yourself to record a strikeout.


  • Pitch Selection (First Batter): For the first batter, you can choose a pitch that you’re confident in throwing for a strike. However, there’s always a chance the batter might connect with it.
  • Focus on the Strikeout (Second Batter): After giving up the hit, take a deep breath and refocus on pitching effectively. Challenge the next batter with a good mix of pitches, aiming for a strikeout.

Tips for Success:

  • Don’t Get Discouraged: Giving up a hit is part of the game. Don’t let it affect your pitching for the next batter.
  • Practice Pitching: Sharpen your pitching mechanics in batting practice or exhibition games. Work on locating your pitches accurately and mastering different deliveries.

Modes to Achieve This:

  • Exhibition: This is a great option to practice against the CPU on a lower difficulty level. You can experiment with different pitching approaches and bounce back from giving up an initial hit.

  • Franchise/March to October: Play through games and focus on staying calm and composed after giving up a hit. Challenge the next batter with good pitching for a chance at the strikeout and the trophy.

Additional Notes:

  • While possible online, it might be easier to get this trophy offline against the CPU.
  • This trophy emphasizes the mental aspect of pitching and the ability to overcome setbacks.

So, stay focused, don’t let a single hit faze you, and strike out the next batter to claim the "Chin Up Champ" trophy/achievement!

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