Madden 24 Blocking


Dev Note: Run Blocking got a significant upgrade because of both FieldSENSE and Foundational Football upgrades in Madden NFL 24. The run game is more physical due to Hit Everything 2.0! Keep reading below to learn how we made foundational football upgrades to make our blockers even more intelligent and devastating in the run game. 

  • We have implemented the Hit Everything technology into blocking, enabling a new level of versatility for blockers. With the ability to chip block, enter and exit double teams on the fly, blockers can seamlessly navigate through defenders and blocking interactions, preventing blockers from getting stuck on ongoing interactions or having to re-target away from their intended targets when colliding with an adjacent defender.
  • We’ve also extended the stand-up tackles system from Madden NFL 23 to the offense which now unlocks blockers’ ability to join in on a gang tackle and push the pile forward. This happens contextually by AI-controlled blockers when in the proper position to push the ball carrier forward relative to the position of the pile up

Blocking – Foundational Football

  • The new AI system is built on counting defenders in the box and then matching up with each available blocker based on the blocking scheme, which means the most dangerous defenders to the desired point of attack will be accounted for before players further away, making it more difficult to manipulate blocking behavior and exploit defensive set ups.
  • We overhauled open field blocking by asking blockers in the open field to do LESS. This new AI system filters targets to give open field blockers less players to account for, and ultimately has them commit to a single target sooner in the play and stay focused on making their block. This allows you as the ball carrier to confidently anticipate where they are going and make decisions without any unwelcome surprises.
  • Elite blockers will stand out more – highly rated blockers will be much more likely to throw dominating blocks when matched up with smaller defenders. Dev Tip: Be cautious using sub defense formations with more DB’s on the field to stop the run with these elite blockers in action.

Dev Tip: Be cautious using sub defense formations with more DB’s on the field to stop the run with these elite blockers in action.

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