Lost Ark Chaos Gate

Chaos Gate Updates The Art of War

  • Players who don’t help battle will now be kicked after a while.

  • Players who die inside the Chaos Gate will now be resurrected in a location that aligns with their Chaos Gate progression.

  • Removed a portal that acts as a starting point in the Chaos Gate (depending on progression).

  • Defeating Repletio within the Mayhem Legion Chaos Gate will no longer remove the barricade where Shamos appears. Defeating Shamos will instead remove the barricade.

  • If you leave or get kicked from a Chaos Gate due to lack of participation, you will no longer be able to re-enter through the entrance that is still open.

  • You can no longer go to the Character Selection screen from a Chaos Gate.

  • Fixed the issue where players get kicked from Chaos Gate while in combat if they do not defeat the boss monster soon enough.

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