Umbral – Lords of the Fallen(LotF)


  • Tweaked the distance of Soulflay vs. UI icon. In some cases, the interaction icon appeared, but the Soulflay was not triggering the desired effect. Now they match in all cases.
  • Fixed offsetted particles that could sometimes occur on Soulflayable umbral bellies (containers).
  • Fixed offsetted particles that could sometimes occur on Soulflayable doors.
  • Fixed a bug in which axiom items would sometimes fall through the umbral ground under certain conditions (while transitioning), making them only pickable in axiom.
  • Fixed a blocker that could prevent players from finishing the game with the Umbral ending.
  • Optimized performance in Castle Bramis while being in Umbral.
  • Pendant of Atrophy: Umbral sorceries can be cast with insufficient mana, but at the cost of wither damage. Equipping this amulet now also reduces your wither health regain rate when you deal damage. Withered health cost increased.
  • Umbral Eye of Loash: While charging a heavy attack, all damage is received as wither damage, and your posture cannot be broken. Equipping this eyeball now also reduces your wither health regain rate when you deal damage.
  • Umbral Eye of Lydia the Numb Witch: Use ranged weapons without ammunition but at the cost of withered health. Equipping this amulet now also reduces your wither health regain rate when you deal damage.
  • Added nav modifier volumes to prevent Umbral enemies from getting stuck with collisions in the Cellar at the Manse of the Hallowed Brothers.
  • Added additional AI blocking volumes at Redcopse to avoid Umbral enemies spawning above dangerous collisions. We want our AIs to be safe, or they might resort to their syndicate against our Level Designers.
  • Adjusted umbral platforms so players won’t get stuck between them in Bramis Castle.
  • Bramis Castle collision fixes for an umbral bridge when transitioning from axiom.

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