Lower Calrath – Lords of the Fallen(LotF)

Lower Calrath

  • Lower Calrath: Tweaked existing outer collision boxes to ensure they match the invasion fog walls. This follows a code request to improve disconnection during host/invader connection.
  • Lower Calrath has received an additional lighting pass to add extra detail, with no performance impact.
  • Optimized performance in Lower Calrath by reducing cast shadows without reducing visual quality.
  • Optimized collision meshes in Lower Calrath – Bridge area to reduce collision counts and increase performance.
  • New leashing pass on different enemies and encounters in Lower Calrath.
  • Fixed some asset collisions in Lower Calrath, making it possible both to clip and blocking the player from getting to the other side.
  • Blocker fixed in Lower Calrath in the Smelter tower, where the player was getting stuck in a small area.
  • There is a spot in Lower Calrath where the player can get stuck a bit due to a corpse on top of a table with block-all collision preset. The collision preset has been changed to structure detail, and now the player can move freely at that spot.

Level Design

  • Abbey of Hallowed Sisters: Tweaked existing outer collision boxes to ensure they match the invasion fog walls.
  • Empyrean: Tweaked existing outer collision boxes to ensure they match the invasion fog walls. This follows a code request to improve disconnection during host/invader connection.
  • Lower Calrath: Tweaked existing outer collision boxes to ensure they match the invasion fog walls. This follows a code request to improve disconnection during host/invader connection.
  • Bramis Castle: Tweaked existing outer collision boxes to ensure they match the invasion fog walls.

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