Bramis Castle – Lords of the Fallen(LotF)

Bramis Castle

  • Bramis Castle: Tweaked existing outer collision boxes to ensure they match the invasion fog walls.
  • Adjusted and added leashing volumes in Bramis Castle.
  • Second pass on leashing volumes for Redcopse, Pilgrim’s Perch, Forsaken Fen, Fief of the Chill Curse, Tower of Penance, and Bramis Castle.
  • Adjusted umbral platforms so players won’t get stuck between them in Bramis Castle.
  • Made the rotating stairs’ player collisions taller in Bramis Castle.
  • Bramis Castle has seen two places adjusted to prevent the player from getting stuck under certain conditions.
  • Bramis Castle collision fixes for an umbral bridge when transitioning from axiom.

Level Design

  • Abbey of Hallowed Sisters: Tweaked existing outer collision boxes to ensure they match the invasion fog walls.
  • Empyrean: Tweaked existing outer collision boxes to ensure they match the invasion fog walls. This follows a code request to improve disconnection during host/invader connection.
  • Lower Calrath: Tweaked existing outer collision boxes to ensure they match the invasion fog walls. This follows a code request to improve disconnection during host/invader connection.
  • Bramis Castle: Tweaked existing outer collision boxes to ensure they match the invasion fog walls.

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