Last Epoch Stash Tab Limit

As of February 27, 2024, there is no confirmed or documented maximum limit on the number of stash tabs you can purchase in Last Epoch. While there is no official cap, it’s important to consider:

  • Increasing Costs: Each additional stash tab requires an in-game currency purchase, and the cost significantly increases with each tab you buy. This can quickly become expensive, especially for a large number of tabs.
  • Server Performance: While there currently isn’t a stated limit, having an excessive number of tabs could potentially impact server performance, especially when considering data storage and loading for individual players.

Alternatives to Additional Stash Tabs:

  • Shared Stash: This shared storage allows you to transfer items between characters on the same account.
  • Character-Specific Stashes: Each character has a personal stash for frequently used items or build-specific gear.
  • Efficient Inventory Management: Regularly sorting and selling unwanted items helps maintain a manageable inventory without relying solely on additional tabs.

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As of February 27, 2024, there is no officially confirmed maximum limit on the number of stash tabs you can purchase in Last Epoch. The developers have stated that it’s technically possible to purchase a very high number of tabs, but:

  • Cost: Each additional stash tab becomes progressively more expensive to purchase as you acquire more of them. This increasing cost discourages players from purchasing an excessive amount.
  • Server Performance: While technically possible, having an extremely high number of stash tabs for a single player could potentially impact server performance. The developers are cautious about this aspect and might implement limitations in the future if it becomes a concern.
  • Inventory Management: While having a large number of tabs can provide ample storage space, it’s crucial to maintain good organization to ensure easy access to specific items. Having too many tabs without proper organization can actually hinder your experience.

Community discussions:

  • On the Last Epoch forums, players have reported purchasing over 100 stash tabs without encountering a hard limit. However, these cases are not common due to the significant cost increase. You can find discussions about stash tabs and player experiences here:

Alternatives to additional stash tabs:

  • Shared Stash: This shared storage allows you to transfer items between characters on the same account.
  • Character-specific stashes: Each character has a personal stash for frequently used items or build-specific gear.
  • Strategic Inventory Management: Regularly sorting and selling unwanted items can help maintain a manageable inventory without relying solely on additional tabs.

Overall, while there’s no official limit on the number of stash tabs you can purchase, several factors like cost, server performance, and good practice encourage players to be mindful of their purchases and explore alternative storage methods.

As of February 27, 2024, there is no confirmed, definitive limit to the number of stash tabs you can purchase in Last Epoch. The developers haven’t implemented a hard cap on the maximum amount of purchasable tabs.

However, there are a few things to consider:

  • Cost: Each additional stash tab requires an increasing amount of gold, the in-game currency, making it progressively expensive to acquire more tabs.
  • Server Performance: While there’s no officially stated limit, a very large number of purchased tabs could potentially impact server performance, especially for individual players.
  • Inventory Management: While having a large number of tabs can provide ample storage space, it’s crucial to maintain good organization and utilize other in-game storage options:
    • Shared Stash: Allows transferring items between characters on the same account.
    • Character-Specific Stashes: Each character has a personal stash for frequently used items or gear.

Community Discussions:

The topic of stash tab limits is frequently discussed in the Last Epoch community. While there’s no official confirmation of a limit, some players have reported successfully purchasing well over 100 tabs without encountering any issues. However, it’s important to remember that relying solely on purchased tabs for storage might not be the most efficient approach, especially considering the increasing cost.

Official Resources:

While the developers haven’t explicitly stated a limit on stash tabs, they have acknowledged the community’s concerns about the increasing cost and potential impact on server performance. You can find relevant discussions on the official forums:


  • Explore alternative storage options like the shared stash and character-specific stashes.
  • Implement effective inventory management strategies like using clear naming conventions for tabs.
  • Consider the increasing cost of purchasing additional tabs and weigh the benefits against your storage needs.
  • Stay updated on potential future changes from the developers regarding stash tabs or inventory management features.

Ultimately, the decision of how many stash tabs to purchase in Last Epoch depends on your individual needs and playstyle. Utilize the available information and community resources to find the most effective approach for managing your in-game inventory.

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