Last Epoch Respec Specialization

In Last Epoch, respeccing your skill specialization works slightly differently from respeccing your passive points. Here’s what you need to know:

Respeccing Skill Specialization:

  • Method: Open the Skills menu (default key "S") and select the skill you want to change. In the top right corner of the skill’s specialization tree, you’ll see the "Respec" option.
  • Process: Clicking "Respec" allows you to choose one of two options:
    • Remove Points: This removes all invested points from the current specialization tree, allowing you to allocate them elsewhere. Your previously equipped skill will also be unequipped.
    • Despecialize Skill: This completely removes the skill from your hotbar and allows you to choose a new skill of the same type (e.g., replacing a Blade skill with another Blade skill).
  • Cost: Unlike passive points, respeccing your skill specialization is always free.

Important Notes:

  • Removing points: When you remove points from a skill specialization, the skill level will decrease by the number of points removed if it was above the minimum required level. You will need to re-use the skill to regain the lost level.
  • Despecializing: Despecializing a skill does not affect its level. However, you will need to re-equip it and potentially adjust your keybinds if necessary.
  • Passive points: Respeccing your skill specialization does not affect your allocated passive points.

Additional Tips:

  • Before respeccing, consider using a theorycrafting tool or researching online guides for different builds to ensure you choose the specialization that best aligns with your desired playstyle.
  • Experimenting with different specializations can be helpful for discovering new playstyles and finding one you enjoy.
  • Remember, respeccing is always an option, so don’t be afraid to try different things and find what works best for you.

I hope this explanation provides a clear understanding of how to respec your skill specialization in Last Epoch!

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In Last Epoch, you can respec your specialization points (points invested in a specific skill’s specialization tree) freely throughout the game. This means you can experiment and try out different skill specializations without being penalized or incurring any cost.

Here’s how to respec your specialization points:

  1. Open the Skills menu: You can do this by pressing "S" by default.
  2. Select the desired skill: Click on the skill icon you want to respec (the skill with the orange "Specialized" text).
  3. Click the "Respec" button: This button appears in the top right corner of the skill’s specialization tree.
  4. Choose an option: You have two options:
    • Remove Points: This allows you to remove specific points invested in the specialization tree, one at a time.
    • Despecialize: This removes all points from the specialization tree, essentially returning the skill to its base version.

Important notes:

  • When you remove points from the specialization tree, the skill level will decrease if it was originally above the minimum level required for the specialization. You’ll need to use the skill again to regain the lost level.
  • Despecializing the skill doesn’t affect its base level.
  • You can respec your passive points (points invested in the three main skill trees) using a different method involving specific in-game items.

Benefits of respeccing specialization:

  • Experiment with different builds: Freely try out various specializations for a skill and see which one suits your playstyle best.
  • Adapt to different situations: You can temporarily respec your specialization to counter specific challenges or enemies.
  • Correct mistakes: If you accidentally invested points in an undesirable specialization node, you can easily respec and choose another path.

Respeccing specialization points allows you to be flexible and adaptable in your character build, promoting experimentation and customization within Last Epoch.

In Last Epoch, respeccing your character specialization works differently than respeccing your passive points. Here’s what you need to know:

How to Respec Specialization:

  1. Open the Skills Menu: Press the default key "S" to access your character’s skill menu.
  2. Select the Specialized Skill: Choose the skill that you currently have specialized.
  3. Respec Button: Look for the "Respec" button located in the top right corner of the individual skill’s specialization tree.

Respec Options:

  • Remove Points: Selecting this option allows you to refund the skill points invested specifically within the chosen specialization tree. This will not respec your passive points or unlearn the skill itself.
  • Despecialize: This option completely removes the chosen skill from your hotbar and allows you to select a new skill to specialize in. Be aware that despecializing will refund all points invested in the previous specialization tree, requiring you to allocate those points to a new skill.

Important Notes:

  • Respeccing specializations comes at a cost: Every time you remove points or despecialize a skill, you will lose a portion of the experience gained by that skill. This experience cannot be recovered.
  • Respeccing your specialization does not affect your overall character level or passive skills.

Alternatives to Respeccing Specialization:

  • Start a New Character: If you’re unsure about your chosen specialization or want to experiment with another Mastery altogether, creating a new character and choosing a different Mastery can be a viable long-term solution.
  • Experiment with Passive Points: While you cannot directly change your Mastery, you can utilize passive points within the chosen Mastery tree to modify your character’s playstyle and potentially achieve a close enough alternative to your desired specialization.

In conclusion:

Respeccing your specialization in Last Epoch allows you to change your playstyle within your chosen Mastery but comes at the cost of lost experience for the previous specialization. Carefully consider your options before respeccing and remember other alternatives like starting a new character or experimenting with available skills and passives within your current Mastery.

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