Last Epoch Remove Specialization

While directly removing your character’s specialization isn’t possible in Last Epoch, you can achieve a similar outcome using the respec option:

Respec Process:

  1. Open the Skills Menu: Press the default key "S" to access your character’s skill menu.
  2. Select the Specialized Skill: Choose the skill that you currently have specialized.
  3. Respec Button: Look for the "Respec" button located in the top right corner of the individual skill’s specialization tree.

Respec Options:

  • Remove Points: Selecting this option allows you to refund the skill points invested specifically within the chosen specialization tree. This will not affect the skill itself or your passive points.
  • Despecialize: This option completely removes the chosen skill from your hotbar and allows you to select a new skill to specialize in. Be aware that despecializing will refund all points invested in the previous specialization tree, requiring you to allocate those points to a new skill.

Essentially, despecializing removes your current specialization:

  • You lose all points invested in the previous specialization tree.
  • You can choose a new skill to specialize in and allocate the refunded points into its tree.

However, this option comes at a cost:

  • You will lose a portion of the experience gained by the previously specialized skill. This experience cannot be recovered.

Alternative Approaches:

  • Experiment with Passive Points: Instead of despecializing, try allocating your passive points within the current Mastery tree strategically to modify your character’s playstyle and strengths. You might achieve a configuration similar to your desired specialization.
  • Start a New Character: If you’re genuinely committed to exploring a different specialization and its unique playstyle, creating a new character with the desired Mastery remains the most straightforward approach.

Choosing a Specialization Wisely:

Remember, carefully consider your desired playstyle while choosing a Mastery during character creation. Researching different Masteries and their specializations beforehand can help you make an informed decision that aligns with your long-term goals.

Additional Notes:

  • While despecializing allows you to switch playstyles, it comes at the cost of lost experience and requires additional investment in the new specialization tree.
  • Explore alternative approaches within your chosen Mastery before resorting to despecializing, as they might offer a more cost-effective way to achieve your desired playstyle.

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In Last Epoch, while you cannot directly remove your chosen specialization, you have the option to despecialize the specific skill currently associated with that specialization:

Despecializing a Skill:

  1. Open the Skills Menu: Press the default key "S" to access your character’s skills.
  2. Select the Specialized Skill: Choose the skill with the active specialization you want to remove.
  3. Respec Button: Look for the "Respec" button located in the top right corner of the individual skill’s specialization tree.
  4. Despecialize Option: Select the "Despecialize" option.

Consequences of Despecializing:

  • Refunds All Specialization Points: This will return all the skill points you invested in the despecialized skill’s specialization tree.
  • Removes the Skill from your Hotbar: You’ll no longer have the chosen skill equipped on your hotbar.
  • Loses Experience: You’ll lose a portion of the experience gained by the despecialized skill. This experience cannot be recovered.

Remember: Despecializing does not affect your overall character level or passive skills. You can then:

  • Leave the skill slot empty: This allows you to explore alternative skills within your current Mastery for a different playstyle.
  • Choose a new skill to specialize: Select a different skill within your Mastery and invest your refunded points in its specialization tree.

Alternatives to Despecializing:

  • Experiment with Passive Points: Allocate your passive points strategically within your chosen Mastery to modify your character’s playstyle and create a build that aligns somewhat with your desired specialization.
  • Utilize Different Skills: Explore various skill combinations within your Mastery and find a setup that replicates your desired playstyle without changing the specialization.
  • Start a New Character: Consider creating a new character and choosing the desired Mastery to fully experience the intended specialization.

In conclusion:

While directly removing your specialization isn’t possible in Last Epoch, despecializing a skill allows you to explore alternative playstyles within your current Mastery. However, be aware of the consequences of losing experience and potentially needing to invest points in a new skill specialization. Consider the alternative approaches mentioned above before making a decision.

While you cannot completely remove a specialization in Last Epoch, you can despecialize a skill, allowing you to choose a new skill to specialize in. Here’s how:

Despecializing a Skill:

  1. Open the Skills Menu: Press the default key "S" to access your character’s skill menu.
  2. Select the Specialized Skill: Choose the skill that you currently have specialized.
  3. Respec Button: Look for the "Respec" button located in the top right corner of the individual skill’s specialization tree.
  4. Despecialize: Select the "Despecialize" option.

Consequences of Despecializing:

  • Refunded Points: This option refunds all points invested in the previous specialization tree.
  • Experience Loss: You will lose a portion of the experience gained by the previously specialized skill. This experience cannot be recovered.
  • Choose a New Skill: You can now choose a different skill from your Mastery to specialize in. However, you’ll need to invest new skill points in the new specialization tree.

Alternatives to Despecialize:

  • Experiment with Passive Points: As mentioned earlier, exploring the passive points within your chosen Mastery can significantly influence your playstyle. You might find a combination of passives that emulates the desired specialization without despecializing.
  • Utilize Different Skills: Experiment with various skill combinations within your Mastery and see if you can achieve the desired playstyle without changing specialization.
  • Start a New Character: If you’re truly set on exploring a different specialization, creating a new character with the desired Mastery remains the most straightforward approach.

Additional Notes:

  • Consider the experience loss before despecializing, as it can potentially hinder your character’s overall progress.
  • Despecializing doesn’t affect your character level or other skills.

Remember that despecializing provides a way to switch your focus within your chosen Mastery, but it comes with certain drawbacks. Carefully consider the alternatives and potential consequences before making this decision.

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