Last Epoch of the Zephyr: Lightning Penetration and Minion Lightning Penetration

Lightning Penetration and Minion Lightning Penetration Suffix: of the Zephyr

Base values

Tier Lightning Penetration
Minion Lightning Penetration
Tier 1 2% to 2% 2% to 2%
Tier 2 2% to 2% 2% to 2%
Tier 3 3% to 3% 3% to 3%
Tier 4 4% to 5% 4% to 5%
Tier 5 5% to 7% 5% to 7%
Tier 6 9% to 10% 9% to 10%
Tier 7 11% to 13% 11% to 13%
Can be applied to:
  • One-Handed Axe
  • One-Handed Mace
  • Sceptre
  • One-Handed Sword
  • Wand
  • Two-Handed Axe
  • Two-Handed Mace
  • Two-Handed Spear
  • Two-Handed Staff
  • Two-Handed Sword
  • Bow
Requires Level: 60
Rarity on Items: (Very rare Reroll Chance: 85%)

Last Epoch of the Zephyr: Lightning Penetration and Minion Lightning Penetration

In Last Epoch, the suffix "Lightning Penetration and Minion Lightning Penetration" found on the unique chest armor "Last Epoch of the Zephyr" and some other gear pieces across different classes offers a combined benefit for both your character and your minions.

Breakdown of the effects:

  • Lightning Penetration: This increases your character’s penetration towards enemy lightning resistance. Penetration reduces the effectiveness of enemy resistances, making your lightning damage more effective. The exact percentage increase in penetration depends on the tier of the item (higher tiers offer greater penetration).
  • Minion Lightning Penetration: This functions similarly to the first effect, but it applies to your minions, increasing their penetration towards enemy lightning resistance. The percentage increase is identical to the character’s penetration benefit.


  • Enhanced lightning damage: By bypassing enemy lightning resistance, this affix allows your character and minions to deal more lightning damage overall. This can be particularly beneficial against enemies with high inherent lightning resistance.
  • Synergy with lightning builds: This affix synergizes well with builds that focus on maximizing lightning damage output, both for your character and their minions.


  • Limited scope: This affix only affects lightning damage, not other damage types or your other offensive capabilities.
  • Conditional benefit (minions): The minion benefit only applies if you have and utilize minions in your build.

Alternative options:

Depending on your build and playstyle, other gear affixes or unique items might offer more suitable benefits compared to solely relying on lightning penetration, such as:

  • Increased lightning damage: This can directly boost the base damage of your lightning attacks and your minions’ lightning damage, regardless of enemy resistance.
  • Elemental damage penetration: This can offer increased penetration for multiple elemental types, potentially being more versatile for builds utilizing various elements.
  • Minion-specific affixes: These affixes might offer more specialized enhancements for your minions, such as increased damage, attack speed, or health, which can indirectly benefit their overall effectiveness.

Remember, while "Lightning Penetration and Minion Lightning Penetration" can be a valuable option for specific builds, consider exploring other options and analyzing your overall needs to determine the best gear choices for your character in Last Epoch.

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