Last Epoch of Tar: Chance to Slow on Bow Hit

Chance to Slow on Bow Hit Suffix: of Tar

Base values

Tier Chance to Slow on Bow Hit
Tier 1 10% to 21%
Can be applied to:
  • Grand Idol [3×1]
  • Ornate Idol [4×1]
  • Adorned Idol [2×2]
Requires Level: 1
Requires Item Class: Rogue
Rarity on Items: (Common Reroll Chance: 0%)

Sure, here’s what I found about the "Chance to Slow on Bow Hit" suffix in Last Epoch:

What it does:

This suffix grants your bow attacks a chance to slow enemies they hit. This can significantly improve your survivability and crowd control capabilities, especially in builds heavily reliant on bow attacks.

How it works:

  • Chance to Slow: This is the percentage chance that an enemy will be slowed when you hit them with a bow attack. The base chance varies depending on the item and its tier, usually ranging from 10% to 30%.
  • Slow Duration: The duration of the slow effect is also determined by the item and its tier, typically lasting from 1 to 3 seconds.
  • Slow Stacking: Similar to the "Chance to Slow Attackers" suffix, the slow effect from "Chance to Slow on Bow Hit" can stack up to 3 times, further reducing enemy movement and attack speed with each successful bow attack.


  • Increased Survivability: Slowing enemies makes them easier to kite and avoid their attacks, giving you more breathing room and reducing incoming damage.
  • Improved Crowd Control: With slowed enemies, you can control the flow of combat more effectively, allowing you to focus on specific targets or create favorable situations for your attacks.
  • Synergy with Bow Builds: This suffix synergizes well with builds that heavily utilize bow attacks, especially those focused on single-target damage or kiting enemies.

Things to keep in mind:

  • Only applies to bow attacks: The slow effect only triggers when you hit enemies with bow attacks, not other skills or spells.
  • Enemy resistance: Some enemies may have resistance to slow effects, making them less susceptible to the slow.
  • Stacking with other sources: You can combine the slow from "Chance to Slow on Bow Hit" with other sources of slow, such as skills or passives, for a more potent effect.

Overall, the "Chance to Slow on Bow Hit" suffix is a valuable addition to any bow-focused build in Last Epoch, offering significant defensive and crowd control advantages.

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