Last Epoch of Remedy: Poison Resistance

Poison Resistance Suffix: of Remedy

Base values

Tier Poison Resistance
Tier 1 20% to 45%
Can be applied to:
  • Small Idol [1×1]
  • Humble Idol [2×1]
  • Grand Idol [3×1]
  • Ornate Idol [4×1]
  • Adorned Idol [2×2]
Requires Level: 1
Requires Item Class: Primalist / Acolyte / Rogue / Non-Specific
Rarity on Items: (Common Reroll Chance: 0%)

In Last Epoch, Poison Resistance is a defensive stat that helps both characters and enemies reduce the damage they take from poison sources.


  • Higher Poison Resistance translates to a lower percentage of poison damage taken.
  • This applies to both player characters and enemies.

Sources of Poison Resistance:

  • Character-specific:
    • Blessings: The Grand Dream of Eterra Blessing provides a high percentage of Poison Resistance (45% to 75%).
    • Items: Certain armor pieces and idols can roll modifiers like "Poison Resistance Added" or "Increased Poison Resistance," offering varying percentages of resistance.
  • Enemy-specific:
    • Some enemies naturally possess Poison Resistance, making them more resilient against poison attacks.


  • In areas or encounters with enemies that primarily deal poison damage, having sufficient Poison Resistance can significantly improve your survivability.
  • However, prioritizing Poison Resistance might not always be necessary:
    • If you’re facing enemies that utilize other damage types, consider focusing on other resistances.
    • Many builds can mitigate poison damage with sufficient life regeneration or defensive skills that allow them to avoid being directly hit by poison attacks.

Factors to Consider:

  • Content Difficulty: Higher difficulty levels typically feature enemies with increased damage output, including poison damage. In such situations, Poison Resistance becomes more crucial.
  • Overall Build: Analyze your build’s strengths and weaknesses.
    • Does your build already have high life regeneration or damage mitigation capabilities?
    • Are you facing encounters with heavy poison damage?

Balancing Offense and Defense:

  • While crucial for specific situations, maximizing Poison Resistance should not come at the expense of neglecting other essential stats like health, armor, and elemental resistances. Aim for a balanced approach that ensures both defensive capabilities and offensive potential.

By understanding the mechanics of Poison Resistance and its interaction with your build and the content you’re facing, you can make informed decisions about resource allocation and equipment choices to optimize your playstyle in Last Epoch.

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