Last Epoch of Hemomancy: Increased Cooldown Recovery Speed With Transplant

Increased Cooldown Recovery Speed With Transplant Suffix: of Hemomancy

Base values

Tier Increased Cooldown Recovery Speed for Transplant
Tier 1 7% to 15%
Can be applied to:
  • Grand Idol [3×1]
  • Ornate Idol [4×1]
Requires Level: 1
Requires Item Class: Acolyte
Rarity on Items: (Common Reroll Chance: 0%)

Last Epoch: "Increased Cooldown Recovery Speed With Transplant" on "Last Epoch of Hemomancy"

In Last Epoch, the suffix "Increased Cooldown Recovery Speed With Transplant" is specific to the "Last Epoch of Hemomancy" chest armor. Unlike the general "Increased Cooldown Recovery Speed" affix found on other gear pieces, this one offers a specific benefit related to the Transplant skill.

Understanding Transplant:

  • This is a skill unique to the Lich class that allows them to teleport to a targeted location while leaving a lingering explosion at their previous position.
  • Transplant has a cooldown, limiting how often you can use it.

Increased Cooldown Recovery Speed With Transplant:

  • This suffix specifically reduces the cooldown of the Transplant skill, making it available for use more frequently. The percentage reduction in cooldown varies based on the tier of the Last Epoch of Hemomancy.
  • This translates to:
    • Increased mobility: You can teleport and reposition yourself more often, potentially improving your ability to evade enemy attacks, chase down enemies, or strategically maneuver around the battlefield.
    • Enhanced offensive capabilities: The ability to use Transplant more frequently could allow you to chain together more frequent blasts from your previous location, potentially increasing your overall damage output.


  • Synergy with Lich builds: This affix is particularly valuable for Lich builds that heavily rely on the Transplant skill for both mobility and offensive purposes.
  • Improved survivability: Faster cooldown recovery allows for more frequent repositioning, potentially helping you avoid enemy attacks and stay mobile.


  • Limited scope: This affix only affects the cooldown of the Transplant skill and offers no general cooldown reduction for other skills.
  • Reliance on specific class: This affix is only relevant for Lich characters who have access to the Transplant skill.

Alternative options:

Depending on your build and playstyle, other unique items or gear affixes might offer more suitable benefits compared to solely relying on "Increased Cooldown Recovery Speed With Transplant":

  • Increased damage: This can directly boost your overall damage output without relying heavily on the Transplant skill.
  • Increased movement speed: This can enhance your overall mobility without relying on frequent teleports from Transplant.
  • Defensive stats: These can improve your survivability, allowing you to focus more on sustained combat rather than solely relying on mobility from frequent Transplant usage.

Remember, while "Last Epoch of Hemomancy" with the "Increased Cooldown Recovery Speed With Transplant" suffix can be beneficial for Lich builds focusing on mobility and Transplant usage, consider exploring other options and analyzing your overall needs to determine the best gear choices for your character in Last Epoch.

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