Last Epoch of Frost: Cold Resistance

Cold Resistance Suffix: of Frost

Base values

Tier Cold Resistance
Tier 1 20% to 45%
Can be applied to:
  • Small Lagonian Idol [1×1]
  • Stout Idol [1×2]
  • Large Idol [1×3]
  • Huge Idol [1×4]
  • Adorned Idol [2×2]
Requires Level: 1
Requires Item Class: Primalist / Mage / Non-Specific
Rarity on Items: (Common Reroll Chance: 0%)

In Last Epoch, Cold Resistance plays a crucial role in mitigating damage from enemies that deal Cold damage. Here’s what you need to know:

Effects of Cold Resistance:

  • Reduces Damage: Each point of Cold Resistance you have reduces the amount of Cold damage you take by 1%. For example, having 50% Cold Resistance means you take half damage from Cold attacks and spells.
  • Diminishing Returns: The effectiveness of Cold Resistance increases linearly until around 75%, after which it starts to diminish significantly. This means reaching higher resistance values like 90% or 100% becomes less impactful for damage reduction.

Acquiring Cold Resistance:

  • Gear: Many armor pieces and accessories have implicit and explicit Cold Resistance modifiers. Higher-tier items tend to offer more resistance.
  • Blessings: Some Blessings like "Grand Protection of Heorot" grant a percentage of Cold Resistance.
  • Passive Skills: Certain class nodes and mastery passives offer Cold Resistance bonuses.

Important Points:

  • Enemy Variation: Different enemies have varying Cold damage output. High-resistance enemies like Ice Golems require more investment in Cold Resistance compared to weaker foes.
  • Content Difficulty: Higher difficulty levels often feature enemies with increased damage output, making Cold Resistance even more valuable.
  • Balance with other Resistances: While Cold Resistance is important, maintaining a balanced resistance across all elements (Fire, Lightning, Necrotic, Physical) is generally recommended.

Popular Strategies:

  • Capped Resistance: Aiming for around 75% Cold Resistance provides a solid foundation for most content. Specialized builds can push for higher values in specific situations.
  • Overcapping for Specific Encounters: For particularly challenging encounters featuring high Cold damage, temporarily overcapping your Cold Resistance with consumables or temporary buffs can be strategic.
  • Combining with other Defenses: Remember that Cold Resistance is just one layer of defense. Utilize other defensive measures like life regeneration, armor, and damage avoidance to maximize survivability.


Cold Resistance is a valuable stat for mitigating Cold damage and ensuring your character’s survival. Understanding its mechanics, balancing it with other resistances, and strategizing for specific encounters are key to using it effectively in your Last Epoch journey.

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