Last Epoch of Evasion: Dodge Rating

Dodge Rating Suffix: of Evasion

Base values

Tier Dodge Rating
Tier 1 15 to 25
Tier 2 26 to 36
Tier 3 37 to 48
Tier 4 49 to 60
Tier 5 61 to 80
Tier 6 100 to 125
Tier 7 126 to 160
Can be applied to:
  • Any armor
  • Amulet
  • Ring
  • Off-Hand Catalyst
Requires Level: 1
Rarity on Items: (Common Reroll Chance: 0%)

In Last Epoch, Dodge Rating plays a crucial role in evading enemy attacks. Here’s a breakdown of its mechanics and how to utilize it effectively:

What it Does:

  • Reduces your chance of being hit by enemy attacks: Each point of Dodge Rating you have grants a 1% chance to negate an attack.
  • Applies before armor and resistances: This means dodging completely avoids damage, unlike mitigation from armor or resistances.
  • Diminishing returns: The effectiveness of Dodge Rating increases linearly until around 75%, after which it starts to diminish significantly.

Acquiring Dodge Rating:

  • Gear: Many armor pieces and accessories have implicit and explicit Dodge Rating modifiers. Higher-tier items tend to offer more.
  • Blessings: Some Blessings, like "Grand Protection of Heorot," grant a percentage of Dodge Rating.
  • Passive Skills: Certain class nodes and mastery passives offer Dodge Rating bonuses.

How Effective is it?:

  • Highly valuable for survivability: When stacked strategically, Dodge Rating can significantly decrease your chance of taking damage, especially against enemies with high attack speed.
  • Synergy with other defenses: Dodge Rating complements other defensive measures like armor and resistances, creating a well-rounded defense.
  • Balanced approach is key: While Dodge Rating is valuable, focusing solely on it can neglect other defenses, leaving you vulnerable to certain damage types.

Different approaches:

  • Capped Dodge builds: Some builds specialize in reaching 100% Dodge Rating, aiming for complete evasion of attacks.
  • Balanced approach: Other builds prioritize a moderate amount of Dodge Rating alongside other defenses for a more versatile approach.
  • Conditional Dodge Rating: Some skills and items offer temporary Dodge Rating buffs, allowing strategic use for specific encounters.


Dodge Rating is a powerful defensive stat in Last Epoch, especially in late-game content. Understanding its mechanics, finding ways to acquire it, and balancing it with other defenses are key to optimizing your survivability. Choose the approach that aligns with your build and playstyle to maximize your effectiveness!

Here are some additional points to consider:

  • Dodge Rating applies after enemy Accuracy is rolled. This means even with high Dodge Rating, there’s still a small chance you might be hit.
  • Certain enemy abilities can bypass Dodge Rating. Be aware of these threats and adjust your defense accordingly.
  • Consider the content difficulty you’re facing. Higher difficulties often require higher Dodge Rating for adequate survivability.

I hope this information helps you leverage Dodge Rating effectively in your Last Epoch adventures!

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