Last Epoch Chaos Bolts

Last Epoch Chaos Bolts | 5 Point Skill (available to all Acolyte masteries)
A barrage of chaotic projectiles which land in an area around the target. The explosions deal necrotic and fire damage in a small area

Last Epoch: Chaos Bolts Skill Breakdown

Chaos Bolts is a versatile skill available to all Acolyte masteries in Last Epoch, offering a combination of area damage and flexibility. Here’s a detailed breakdown of its functionalities:


  • Skill Points: Requires only 5 skill points to unlock, making it an accessible option early in the game.
  • Damage Types: Deals necrotic and fire damage in separate instances, allowing you to benefit from damage bonuses affecting either of these types.
  • Area of Effect: The projectiles land in an area around the target, creating multiple explosions that impact nearby enemies.
  • Mechanics:
    • Projectile Barrage: You unleash a volley of chaotic projectiles towards the targeted area.
    • Multiple Explosions: Upon impact, the projectiles cause small explosions that deal damage in their immediate vicinity.

Overall, Chaos Bolts offers:

  • Decent area damage: Deals damage to multiple enemies within the targeted area, making it suitable for clearing groups of weaker foes.
  • Dual damage type: Provides both necrotic and fire damage, allowing you to potentially benefit from bonuses affecting either type.
  • Early access: The low skill point cost makes it a readily available option for Acolyte players at the beginning of their journey.


  • Limited single-target damage: While effective against groups, its damage might be less impactful against single, tougher enemies.
  • Smaller area of effect: Compared to some other area damage skills, the affected area of Chaos Bolts is relatively small, requiring precise targeting for optimal results.


  • Utilize Chaos Bolts effectively against groups of enemies to maximize its damage potential.
  • Combine it with other Acolyte skills that complement area damage or benefit from inflicting specific damage types like necrotic or fire.
  • Explore the Acolyte mastery tree for passive skills that can enhance Chaos Bolts, such as increasing its damage, area of effect, or adding additional effects to the explosions.

By understanding the strengths, weaknesses, and strategic applications of Chaos Bolts, you can effectively integrate it into your Acolyte build and unleash chaotic destruction upon your enemies in Last Epoch.

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