Last Epoch Can You Change Mastery

Unfortunately, in Last Epoch, you cannot directly change your character’s Mastery once chosen during the campaign. This decision is permanent for the life of that specific character.

Here are some key points to remember:

  • Mastery defines your character’s subclass: It unlocks a unique skill tree and passive bonuses specific to that Mastery.
  • Mastery remains permanent: This decision impacts how your character plays throughout the campaign and endgame.
  • Choose wisely: It’s recommended to research different Masteries before choosing one that aligns with your desired playstyle.

Alternatives to Consider:

  • Start a new character: If you’re keen on exploring another Mastery, your best option is to create a new character and choose the desired Mastery during character creation.
  • Experiment with itemization: While not a direct change, experimenting with different gear and skill combinations within your chosen Mastery can offer some variation in your playstyle.
  • Respect your skills and passives: Last Epoch allows you to respect your skill and passive points within the chosen Mastery. This lets you explore different skill and passive combinations within your Mastery, offering some flexibility and customization.

Additional Notes:

  • The developers haven’t officially commented on the possibility of adding the ability to change Masteries in the future, so it’s currently unavailable.
  • While permanent, the chosen Mastery doesn’t restrict you from interacting and utilizing skills and items associated with other Masteries.

Remember, choosing a Mastery is a crucial step in Last Epoch, and researching different options beforehand can help you find one that suits your desired playstyle and provides an enjoyable experience throughout your journey.

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