Last Epoch Blessings Tier List

While there are many opinions on the "best" blessings in Last Epoch, creating a definitive tier list is challenging due to several factors:

  • Subjectivity: Player preferences, character builds, and playstyles significantly influence how effective a blessing is. A blessing considered "top tier" for one build might be less valuable for another.
  • Synergy and Build Focus: Blessings often synergize well with specific character builds and playstyles. Evaluating them in isolation can be misleading.
  • Dynamic Meta: The Last Epoch meta and balance are subject to ongoing updates and changes, potentially affecting the relative value of specific blessings.

However, here are some insights and considerations to help you understand blessing effectiveness in Last Epoch:

General Categories:

  • Top Tier: Blessings considered highly valuable across various builds due to their powerful effects on core aspects like damage, defense, or resource management. Examples might include "Increased Critical Strike Multiplier" or "Elemental Focus."
  • Situational Tier: Blessings valuable for specific builds or playstyles, offering bonuses that synergize well with certain skills or gear choices. Examples might include "Bleeding Duration Increase" for a bleed-focused build or "Shield Block Chance" for a defensive character.
  • Niche Tier: Blessings with more specialized effects that might be crucial for very specific builds or playstyles but hold less general appeal.

Finding the "Best" Blessings:

Instead of relying solely on tier lists, here’s a more personalized approach:

  • Identify your desired build focus: Are you aiming for high damage, robust defense, or efficient resource management?
  • Research blessing effects: Utilize online resources like the Last Epoch Database ( to understand the specific effects of each blessing.
  • Consider synergy: Analyze how potential blessings interact with your chosen skills, gear, and overall playstyle.
  • Community resources and discussions: Engage with the Last Epoch community through forums and guides to gain insights from experienced players and discover effective blessing combinations for various builds.

Remember, the "best" blessings ultimately depend on your individual goals and character development choices. By understanding the factors influencing blessing effectiveness and utilizing the available resources effectively, you can make informed decisions and choose blessings that truly enhance your Last Epoch experience.

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It’s important to understand that creating a definitive "tier list" for blessings in Last Epoch is challenging due to several factors:

  • Subjectivity: Player preferences and character builds heavily influence which blessings are considered "better" or "worse." A blessing that might be excellent for one build might be less beneficial for another.
  • Situational Value: The effectiveness of certain blessings can be situational and depend on the specific content you’re tackling. For example, a blessing that enhances movement speed might be less valuable in boss encounters compared to one that increases damage against specific enemy types.
  • Synergy and Build Focus: Blessings truly shine when they synergize with your overall character build and complement your chosen skills and gear.

However, based on community discussions and general effectiveness across various builds, here’s a general overview of some highly-regarded blessings, categorized by their primary focus:

Offensive Blessings:

  • Annihilation: Increases all physical damage dealt.
  • Critical Devastation: Increases critical strike damage.
  • Elemental Fury: Increases elemental damage dealt.
  • Pierce: Ignores a portion of enemy armor.

Defensive Blessings:

  • Enduring Spirit: Increases maximum life and life regeneration.
  • Evasion: Increases dodge chance.
  • Fortification: Increases armor and block chance.
  • Spell Ward: Increases elemental resistances.

Utility Blessings:

  • Arcane Supremacy: Reduces mana costs and increases mana regeneration.
  • Fleet-Footed: Increases movement speed and attack speed.
  • Mana Surge: Grants a chance to gain mana on hit.
  • Resourceful: Increases resource recovery rate (life, mana, energy).

Remember: This list is not exhaustive and should be considered a starting point for exploration. It’s highly recommended to:

  • Research specific blessings: Utilize online resources and community discussions to understand the nuances of each blessing and its potential synergy with your character build.
  • Experiment and adapt: Try different blessing combinations and see how they impact your gameplay experience and character effectiveness.
  • Prioritize synergy: Focus on blessings that complement your chosen skills, gear, and overall build goals.

Ultimately, the best blessings for you depend on your individual preferences, character build, and the specific challenges you’re facing in Last Epoch. Experiment, research, and find the combination that empowers you to conquer the endgame!

While there exists no universally agreed-upon "tier list" for blessings in Last Epoch due to varying playstyles and character builds, here’s a breakdown of some generally considered high-value blessings across different categories:

Damage Boost:

  • Annihilation: Increased global damage multiplier.
  • Savagery: Increased critical strike damage.
  • Elemental Fury: Increased elemental damage based on your primary damage type.

Defense and Survivability:

  • Enduring Spirit: Increased maximum health and energy regeneration.
  • Unwavering Resolve: Increased resistances to all damage types.
  • Defiance: Increased chance to block attacks.

Resource Management:

  • Mastery of Essence: Increased maximum mana and mana regeneration.
  • Empowered Focus: Increased maximum energy and energy regeneration.
  • Empowered Munitions: Increased maximum rage and rage regeneration.


  • Echo of the Beast: Grants an additional companion slot (Primalist class only).
  • Arcane Momentum: Increased movement speed based on recently cast spells (Caster builds).
  • Unseen Master: Increased chance to avoid being critically struck.

Important Notes:

  • Playstyle and Build Focus: These are just general examples. The best blessings for you depend on your specific character build, playstyle preferences, and desired focus.
  • Synergy and Combinations: Consider how blessings synergize and complement each other to maximize their overall benefit.
  • Personal Experimentation: The most effective way to determine the best blessings for your character is to experiment and test different combinations based on your needs and preferences.

Remember, there’s no single "best" option for everyone. Explore different possibilities, consider your unique character build, and find the blessings that empower your playstyle and enhance your Last Epoch experience!

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