Governor of Poker 3 ORBIT – GoP3

What is an ORBIT in Poker?

In Governor of Poker 3 (GoP3), the term "ORBIT" refers to the complete cycle of gameplay in which each player at the table takes a turn as the dealer. During an orbit, the dealer button moves clockwise around the table, ensuring that every player serves as the dealer for one hand. This rotation is crucial for maintaining fairness and balance in the game, as it ensures that each player experiences the advantages and disadvantages of each position at the table.

Key Aspects of an ORBIT

  1. Dealer Button Rotation:

    • The dealer button (often simply called "the button") rotates clockwise around the table after each hand. This movement signifies the start of a new hand and indicates which player will act last during the betting rounds.
    • Example: If you are seated directly to the left of the current dealer, you will be the dealer for the next hand when the button moves to you.
  2. Positions at the Table:

    • As the button moves, players will occupy different positions relative to the dealer. These positions include early position, middle position, late position, and the blinds (small blind and big blind).
    • Example: In a nine-player game, the player immediately to the left of the button is the small blind, and the player to the left of the small blind is the big blind. The players to the right of the button are in late position, which is considered advantageous.
  3. Complete Orbit:

    • A complete orbit occurs when the dealer button has moved around the table and returned to its starting position. This ensures that each player has had the opportunity to act in every position, including the blinds and the dealer.
    • Example: In a six-player game, a complete orbit would mean that each player has served as the dealer once, moving the button six times.

Strategic Considerations for Different Positions

  1. Early Position:

    • Playing from early position (the first few seats to the left of the blinds) is challenging because you must act before most of the other players. Strong hands and cautious play are recommended in early position.
    • Example: Hands like Aces, Kings, and Queens are strong enough to raise from early position, while weaker hands should generally be folded.
  2. Middle Position:

    • Middle position offers a balance between early and late positions. You have more information than players in early position but less than those in late position. A wider range of hands can be played from middle position.
    • Example: In middle position, you might play hands like suited connectors (8♠ 9♠) or medium pairs (7♦ 7♣) more aggressively.
  3. Late Position:

    • Late position (the seats to the right of the dealer button) is advantageous because you act after most of the other players, allowing you to make more informed decisions based on their actions. This position is ideal for playing a wider variety of hands and for bluffing.
    • Example: In late position, you can play a broader range of hands, including weaker hands like Ace-rag (A♣ 5♦) or speculative hands like small suited connectors.
  4. Blinds:

    • The small blind and big blind positions require mandatory bets before the hand is dealt. Playing from the blinds can be challenging because you are out of position for the remainder of the hand. Defending your blinds with strong hands and recognizing opportunities to steal the blinds are key strategies.
    • Example: In the big blind, you might defend with hands like King-Queen (K♠ Q♣) if there is a raise, while folding weaker hands.

Importance of Completing an ORBIT

  1. Fairness and Balance:

    • Completing an orbit ensures that each player experiences the advantages and disadvantages of every position at the table. This rotation maintains the fairness and balance of the game.
    • Example: Over multiple orbits, each player will have an equal opportunity to act last (on the button) and first (in early position), balancing the inherent advantages and disadvantages.
  2. Strategic Adaptation:

    • Understanding the significance of an orbit helps players adapt their strategies based on their current position. Skilled players adjust their hand selection and betting strategies according to their position relative to the dealer button.
    • Example: A player might be more aggressive in late position to capitalize on the information gained from earlier players’ actions, while being more conservative in early position.

Advanced Strategies for Navigating an ORBIT

  1. Position Awareness:

    • Always be aware of your position relative to the dealer button. Use this information to adjust your hand selection, betting size, and overall strategy.
    • Example: In early position, focus on playing strong hands and avoiding marginal ones. In late position, take advantage of your ability to act last by playing a wider range of hands and looking for opportunities to bluff.
  2. Blind Stealing:

    • In late position, especially on the button, consider attempting to steal the blinds with raises when the action folds to you. This strategy can be profitable if the players in the blinds are likely to fold.
    • Example: If you are on the button and all players have folded to you, raising with a wide range of hands can pressure the blinds into folding, allowing you to win the pot without a showdown.
  3. Defending the Blinds:

    • When in the small or big blind, be mindful of players attempting to steal the blinds. Defend your blinds with strong hands and be prepared to re-raise if you suspect a steal.
    • Example: If you are in the big blind and the button raises, consider re-raising with hands like Ace-Queen (A♠ Q♦) or pocket pairs to defend your blind.


In Governor of Poker 3, an orbit refers to the complete cycle of gameplay where each player at the table serves as the dealer once. This rotation of the dealer button ensures fairness and balance, giving each player an equal opportunity to act in every position. Understanding the strategic implications of different positions and adapting your play accordingly can significantly enhance your poker game. By mastering advanced strategies such as position awareness, blind stealing, and defending the blinds, you can navigate the complexities of an orbit and improve your overall success in poker.

Governor of Poker 3 Chips

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