Governor of Poker 3 OPEN-ENDED – GoP3

What is an OPEN-ENDED Straight in Poker?

In Governor of Poker 3 (GoP3), the term "OPEN-ENDED" refers to a situation where a player holds four consecutive cards that can form a straight by completing it with one of two possible cards on the outside. This type of straight draw is highly desirable because it offers more opportunities to complete the straight compared to an inside straight draw (gutshot).

Characteristics of an OPEN-ENDED Straight

  1. Four Consecutive Cards:

    • An open-ended straight draw occurs when you have four consecutive cards, and either of two specific cards can complete the straight.
    • Example: If you hold 5♠ and 6♣, and the flop comes 4♦, 7♠, and K♣, you have an open-ended straight draw. Either a 3 or an 8 on the turn or river will complete your straight.
  2. High Drawing Potential:

    • An open-ended straight draw has a high probability of hitting because there are eight possible cards (four of each rank) that can complete the straight.
    • Example: With 5♠ and 6♣ on a 4♦ 7♠ K♣ board, you have eight outs: four 3s and four 8s that can complete your straight.

Strategic Considerations for Playing an OPEN-ENDED Straight

  1. Betting and Raising:

    • Open-ended straight draws are strong drawing hands that can often justify aggressive betting or raising, especially in favorable positions. This can help build the pot if you hit your straight and also apply pressure on your opponents.
    • Example: With 5♠ and 6♣ on a 4♦ 7♠ K♣ board, you can raise to represent strength and potentially force opponents with weaker hands to fold.
  2. Position:

    • Playing an open-ended straight draw from a late position gives you an advantage because you can see how your opponents act before making your decision. This information can guide your betting strategy.
    • Example: In a late position with an open-ended straight draw, you might call a bet to see another card or raise to increase the pot size and pressure opponents.
  3. Pot Odds and Implied Odds:

    • Calculate pot odds and implied odds to determine whether it’s profitable to chase an open-ended straight draw. Pot odds compare the current size of the pot to the cost of a contemplated call, while implied odds consider the potential future winnings if you hit your draw.
    • Example: If the pot is $100 and it costs you $20 to call, your pot odds are 5:1. With an open-ended straight draw, your odds of hitting the straight by the river are approximately 2:1, making it a favorable call.

Benefits and Risks of Playing an OPEN-ENDED Straight

  1. Benefits:

    • High Probability of Hitting: Open-ended straight draws have eight outs, making them more likely to complete than gutshot straight draws (which have only four outs).
    • Aggressive Play Opportunities: The high potential of hitting an open-ended straight allows for aggressive betting and raising, possibly forcing opponents to fold stronger hands.
    • Deceptive Strength: If the straight completes, it can be difficult for opponents to read, potentially leading to substantial winnings.
  2. Risks:

    • Potential for Higher Straights: Even if you complete your straight, there’s a risk that an opponent could have a higher straight.
    • Missed Draws: There’s always a chance that the straight draw won’t complete, leading to potential losses if you’ve invested heavily in the pot.
    • Board Texture: On a board with potential flush or higher straight draws, an open-ended straight draw may be less valuable and more risky to pursue.

Example Hands Involving an OPEN-ENDED Straight

  1. Strong Open-Ended Straight Draw:

    • Your Hand: 8♠ and 9♦.
    • Board: 10♣, 7♠, 2♦.
    • Action: You have an open-ended straight draw. Either a 6 or a Jack on the turn or river will complete your straight. Consider betting or raising to build the pot and apply pressure.
  2. Vulnerable Open-Ended Straight Draw:

    • Your Hand: 6♣ and 7♠.
    • Board: 8♦, 9♣, K♦.
    • Action: You have an open-ended straight draw. Either a 5 or a 10 will complete your straight. However, be cautious of potential higher straights or flush draws on the board.

Advanced Strategies for Playing an OPEN-ENDED Straight

  1. Semi-Bluffing:

    • Semi-bluffing with an open-ended straight draw involves betting or raising with a hand that is not currently the best but has the potential to improve. This can force opponents to fold better hands while giving you the chance to hit your draw.
    • Example: With 8♠ and 9♦ on a 10♣ 7♠ 2♦ board, a semi-bluff can pressure opponents into folding, and if they call, you still have a good chance of completing your straight.
  2. Pot Control:

    • If the pot grows too large and the board becomes dangerous with potential flush or higher straight draws, consider controlling the pot size by checking or calling instead of raising.
    • Example: With 6♣ and 7♠ on an 8♦ 9♣ K♦ board, if the turn brings another diamond, be cautious and consider pot control to avoid overcommitting to a potentially losing hand.
  3. Reading Opponents:

    • Pay attention to your opponents’ actions and tendencies. If they show weakness, you can be more aggressive with your open-ended straight draw. If they show strength, consider the possibility that they might have a stronger hand.
    • Example: If an opponent checks on a flop of 10♣ 7♠ 2♦, you might raise with your open-ended straight draw to apply pressure, especially if they have a tendency to fold to aggression.


In Governor of Poker 3, an open-ended straight draw refers to holding four consecutive cards that can complete a straight with one of two possible cards on the outside. This strong drawing hand provides high potential for hitting a straight and justifies aggressive play. Understanding the strategic considerations, benefits, and risks of playing an open-ended straight draw can enhance your gameplay. By employing advanced strategies like semi-bluffing, pot control, and reading opponents, you can maximize your winnings and improve your overall poker success.

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