Governor of Poker 3 COMMUNITY CARDS – GoP3

What are COMMUNITY CARDS in Poker?

In Governor of Poker 3 (GoP3), "COMMUNITY CARDS" are the cards dealt face-up in the center of the table that all players can use in combination with their private pocket cards to form the best possible five-card hand. These shared cards play a crucial role in determining the outcome of each hand and are a fundamental element of Texas Hold’em and Omaha poker variations.

Stages of Dealing COMMUNITY CARDS

The community cards are dealt in stages during the course of a hand, enhancing the strategic complexity of the game. The stages are:

  1. The Flop:

    • The first three community cards are dealt face-up simultaneously after the initial round of betting. This stage provides the first opportunity for players to assess the potential of their hands using the shared cards.
  2. The Turn:

    • A fourth community card is dealt face-up after the second round of betting. This stage can significantly change the dynamics of the hand by introducing new possibilities for straights, flushes, and other combinations.
  3. The River:

    • The fifth and final community card is dealt face-up after the third round of betting. The river card completes the community and finalizes the potential hands players can form.


  1. Combining with Pocket Cards:

    • Players use the community cards in conjunction with their own two private pocket cards to form the best five-card hand possible. This can include combinations like pairs, two pairs, three-of-a-kind, straights, flushes, full houses, four-of-a-kind, and straights flushes.
  2. Strategic Evaluation:

    • Throughout each stage of dealing community cards, players must continuously evaluate their hand strength relative to the potential hands their opponents might have. This involves considering the visible community cards and predicting possible combinations.

Example Scenarios Involving COMMUNITY CARDS

  1. The Flop:

    • Pocket Cards: Ace of spades and King of hearts.
    • Flop: 10 of diamonds, Jack of clubs, Queen of spades.
    • Analysis: You have an open-ended straight draw (any King or 9 completes a straight) and a potential Royal Flush draw if two more spades come.
  2. The Turn:

    • Turn Card: 9 of hearts.
    • Pocket Cards: 7 of spades and 8 of spades.
    • Flop: 5 of diamonds, 6 of clubs, King of hearts.
    • Analysis: You now have a straight (5-6-7-8-9), making your hand very strong. The turn card solidified your straight.
  3. The River:

    • River Card: 3 of diamonds.
    • Pocket Cards: 9 of hearts and 9 of clubs.
    • Flop: 9 of spades, 4 of hearts, King of diamonds.
    • Turn: 2 of clubs.
    • Analysis: The river card did not change much for your hand, but you still have a strong three-of-a-kind (trip nines).

Strategic Considerations for COMMUNITY CARDS

  1. Reading the Board:

    • Assess the potential hands that the community cards could complete for both you and your opponents. Be aware of possible straights, flushes, and full houses that the board might enable.
  2. Bluffing Opportunities:

    • Use the community cards to create bluffing opportunities. For instance, if the board shows potential for strong hands like a straight or flush, you can represent having those hands even if you don’t.
  3. Betting Strategy:

    • Adjust your betting strategy based on the community cards. A strong board for your hand might warrant more aggressive betting, while a dangerous board for your opponents might necessitate caution.


In Governor of Poker 3, community cards are the shared cards dealt face-up in the center of the table that all players can use to form their best five-card hands. Dealt in stages known as the flop, turn, and river, these cards are central to the strategy and outcome of each hand. Understanding how to effectively use community cards involves evaluating their impact on potential hands, reading the board, and adjusting your betting strategy accordingly. Mastering the use of community cards is essential for successful poker play.

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