Governor of Poker 3: Chinese New Year Chests Odds & Dragon’s Egg Chest Unveiled

Introducing the Chinese New Year Chests

In celebration of the Chinese New Year, Governor of Poker 3 offers limited edition Chinese New Year Chests available for purchase in the in-game shop. These special chests come in three exciting tiers—Dragon’s Egg Chest, Mystic Dragon’s Egg Chest, and Celestial Dragon’s Egg Chest—each packed with a variety of random prizes that can significantly enhance your gameplay. Let’s explore the potential rewards contained within each tier of the Chinese New Year Chests and their respective probabilities.

Dragon’s Egg Chest

The Dragon’s Egg Chest is the first tier, offering a mix of valuable prizes with different probabilities:

  1. Diamond Entry Key

    • Probability: 49.57%
    • Description: The Diamond Entry Key is the most frequently awarded item in the Dragon’s Egg Chest, with a 49.57% chance of being obtained. This key grants players access to exclusive diamond-level events and high-stakes tournaments, significantly enhancing their gameplay opportunities.
  2. Black Ticket

    • Probability: 49.57%
    • Description: With a 49.57% chance of being awarded, the Black Ticket provides entry into exclusive games and tournaments, offering substantial rewards.
  3. Cosmic Spin

    • Probability: 0.65%
    • Description: The Cosmic Spin, with a 0.65% chance of being awarded, offers players the opportunity to win significant prizes, boosting their in-game currency and rewards.
  4. 2 Billion Chips

    • Probability: 0.25%
    • Description: The rarest reward in the Dragon’s Egg Chest, the 2 Billion Chips, has a 0.25% chance of being obtained. This substantial amount of in-game currency can significantly enhance a player’s progress and success, making it a highly coveted prize.

Mystic Dragon’s Egg Chest

The Mystic Dragon’s Egg Chest is the second tier, offering higher-value items and a mix of exciting rewards:

  1. Black Tickets (3x)

    • Probability: 45.59%
    • Description: The most frequently awarded item in the Mystic Dragon’s Egg Chest, with a 45.59% chance of being obtained, includes three Black Tickets. These tickets provide multiple entries into exclusive games and tournaments, enhancing the player’s chances of winning big.
  2. Diamond Entry Key XL

    • Probability: 7.60%
    • Description: With a 7.60% chance of being awarded, the Diamond Entry Key XL grants players entry into high-stakes diamond-level events, offering substantial rewards.
  3. Multi XL Spins (2x)

    • Probability: 45.59%
    • Description: The Multi XL Spins, with a 45.59% chance of being awarded, multiply potential winnings, significantly boosting the player’s in-game currency and rewards.
  4. 3 Billion Chips

    • Probability: 1.22%
    • Description: The rarest reward in the Mystic Dragon’s Egg Chest, the 3 Billion Chips, has a 1.22% chance of being obtained. This significant amount of in-game currency can greatly enhance a player’s progress and success.

Celestial Dragon’s Egg Chest

The Celestial Dragon’s Egg Chest is the highest tier, offering the most valuable and rarest items:

  1. Fortune Spins (4x)

    • Probability: 91.60%
    • Description: The most frequently awarded item in the Celestial Dragon’s Egg Chest, with a 91.60% chance of being obtained, includes four Fortune Spins. These spins provide multiple opportunities to win substantial prizes, making them highly sought-after.
  2. Cosmic Spins (5x)

    • Probability: 7.63%
    • Description: With a 7.63% chance of being awarded, this prize includes five Cosmic Spins, significantly boosting the player’s in-game currency and rewards.
  3. 10 Billion Chips

    • Probability: 0.76%
    • Description: The rarest reward in the Celestial Dragon’s Egg Chest, the 10 Billion Chips, has a 0.76% chance of being obtained. This enormous amount of in-game currency can massively boost a player’s progress and success, making it one of the most coveted prizes.

Strategies to Maximize Rewards

While the odds for each item in the Chinese New Year Chests are fixed, players can adopt certain strategies to increase their chances of obtaining these chests more frequently. Regular participation in game events, completing daily and weekly challenges, and maintaining an active presence in the game can lead to more opportunities to earn Chinese New Year Chests. Additionally, focusing on achieving in-game milestones and engaging in special promotions can enhance your chances of obtaining these valuable rewards.


The Chinese New Year Chests in Governor of Poker 3 offer a festive and rewarding way for players to enhance their gaming experience. Each tier—Dragon’s Egg Chest, Mystic Dragon’s Egg Chest, and Celestial Dragon’s Egg Chest—provides a unique mix of valuable items and exciting surprises. Understanding the odds and potential rewards can help players strategize and make informed decisions to maximize their benefits. Whether aiming for the commonly found Diamond Entry Keys or hoping to strike it lucky with the elusive 10 Billion Chips, the Chinese New Year Chests provide a thrilling opportunity to elevate your gameplay and celebrate the festive season in style.

Governor of Poker 3 Chips

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