Governor of Poker 3 CALL – GoP3

What is a CALL in Poker?

In Governor of Poker 3 (GoP3), the term "CALL" refers to the action a player takes to match the current highest bet on the table in order to stay in the hand and continue playing. By calling, a player contributes the minimum amount of money required to equalize the bet and maintain their position in the game.

When to CALL

A call is made in various betting rounds and scenarios, such as:

  1. Pre-Flop: After the blinds are posted and players have received their pocket cards, a player may call the big blind to stay in the hand.
  2. Post-Flop: After the community cards are dealt (flop, turn, and river), players may call to match a bet or a raise made by another player during each betting round.

How to CALL

  1. Matching the Bet: When a player calls, they match the amount of the current highest bet or raise. This action keeps them in the hand and allows them to see the next card or reach the showdown.
  2. Maintaining Position: Calling ensures that the player remains active in the hand, giving them the opportunity to win the pot if they have or can make the best hand by the end of the betting rounds.

Strategic Considerations for CALLING

  1. Pot Odds: Evaluate the pot odds, which is the ratio of the current size of the pot to the cost of a contemplated call. If the pot odds are favorable, calling may be the right decision.

  2. Hand Strength: Consider the strength of your hand relative to the board and the actions of other players. Calling with a strong hand or a strong drawing hand can be a strategic move.

  3. Opponent Behavior: Pay attention to the betting patterns and tendencies of your opponents. Understanding their behavior can help you decide whether calling is a wise choice.

Example Scenarios Involving a CALL

  1. Pre-Flop Calling:

    • Blinds: Small blind is 10 chips, big blind is 20 chips.
    • Your Hand: Ace of hearts and King of spades.
    • Action: The player to your right raises to 60 chips.
    • Your Move: You call by matching the 60 chips, staying in the hand to see the flop.
  2. Post-Flop Calling:

    • Flop: 5 of diamonds, 7 of clubs, Queen of hearts.
    • Your Hand: Queen of spades and Jack of hearts.
    • Action: The player to your right bets 100 chips.
    • Your Move: You call the 100 chips, continuing in the hand with top pair and a strong kicker.
  3. Turn Calling:

    • Turn: 2 of diamonds.
    • Your Hand: Queen of spades and Jack of hearts.
    • Action: The player to your right bets 200 chips.
    • Your Move: You call the 200 chips, planning to see the river card and potentially improve your hand or stay with top pair.

Benefits and Risks of CALLING

  1. Benefits:

    • Staying in the Hand: Calling allows you to remain in the hand and see more cards, which can improve your chances of winning the pot.
    • Controlling the Pot: By calling rather than raising, you can control the size of the pot and avoid escalating it too quickly.
  2. Risks:

    • Chip Commitment: Frequent calling can lead to significant chip commitment without necessarily having the best hand.
    • Lack of Information: Calling may not provide as much information about your opponents’ hands compared to raising or folding.


In Governor of Poker 3, calling is a fundamental action that involves matching the highest current bet to stay in the hand. It is used strategically to continue playing and potentially win the pot. By considering pot odds, hand strength, and opponent behavior, players can make informed decisions about when to call. Understanding the benefits and risks of calling is essential for effective poker play and long-term success.

Governor of Poker 3 Chips

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