Governor of Poker 3 BIG BLIND – GoP3

What is the BIG BLIND?

In Governor of Poker 3 (GoP3), the term "BIG BLIND" refers to a mandatory bet placed by the second player to the left of the dealer before any cards are dealt. This bet is crucial for initiating the action and creating an initial pot worth competing for. The amount of the big blind depends on the stakes of the game being played.

Key Characteristics of the BIG BLIND

  1. Position: The big blind is posted by the second player to the left of the dealer.

  2. Amount: The amount of the big blind is equivalent to one complete first-round bet and varies based on the game’s stakes.

  3. Purpose: Like an ante, the big blind seeds the pot, ensuring there is something to play for before any cards are dealt.

  4. Blind Bet: It’s called a "blind" because the player places the bet without having seen their cards, adding an element of risk and strategy.

How the BIG BLIND Works

  1. Pre-Flop Betting: The big blind is placed after the small blind (posted by the player immediately to the left of the dealer). These blinds ensure there is money in the pot to stimulate betting.

  2. First Round Action: The player who posted the big blind acts last in the first betting round, giving them a slight strategic advantage.

  3. Subsequent Rounds: In subsequent betting rounds, the action proceeds clockwise from the dealer, with the big blind position changing each hand as the dealer button moves around the table.

Strategic Implications of the BIG BLIND

  • Forced Bet: Because the big blind is a forced bet, the player in this position must contribute to the pot regardless of their hand strength.

  • Defending the Blind: Players often need to decide whether to defend their big blind by calling or raising when faced with a raise, or to fold and surrender the chips they’ve already committed.

  • Positional Disadvantage: While the big blind position can offer some strategic insight by acting last pre-flop, it can also be a disadvantage in later betting rounds when the player has to act earlier.

Example Scenario Involving the BIG BLIND

  1. Dealer Button: The dealer button is located in front of Player A.

  2. Small Blind: Player B, immediately to the left of the dealer, posts the small blind.

  3. Big Blind: Player C, the second player to the left of the dealer, posts the big blind.

Example in Action:

  • Stakes: Small blind is set at 10 chips, and the big blind is set at 20 chips.

  • Pre-Flop:

    • Player C posts 20 chips as the big blind.
    • Action starts with the player to the left of the big blind and moves clockwise.
    • Player C has the option to check, call, raise, or fold when the action returns to them.


The big blind in Governor of Poker 3 is a crucial element of the game, ensuring there is always an initial pot to play for and stimulating early betting action. Positioned as the second player to the left of the dealer, the big blind must post a bet equivalent to one complete first-round bet before seeing any cards. Understanding the role and strategic implications of the big blind can enhance your gameplay and decision-making at the poker table.

Governor of Poker 3 Chips

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