Fortnite Not Accepting Friend Requests

I understand you’re having trouble accepting friend requests in Fortnite. There are several reasons why this might be happening, so let’s explore some potential solutions:

1. Check your friend list limit: Fortnite has a limit of 500 friends per account. If you’re already at this limit, you won’t be able to accept new requests. Try removing some inactive friends from your list to free up space.

2. Review your privacy settings: Make sure your "Friend Invite Permission" is set to "Anyone" in your account settings. This allows anyone to send you friend requests. You can find this setting under "Account" and then "Privacy."

3. Check for pending friend requests: It’s possible you already have a pending request from the person you’re trying to add. Check your notifications or the friend list to see if there’s a request waiting for your approval.

4. Verify your platform settings: If you’re playing on console, ensure your privacy settings allow you to receive friend requests from other platforms. For example, on PlayStation, check if "Cross-Platform Communication" is enabled.

5. Check for temporary issues: There might be a temporary issue with Fortnite’s friend system. You can check the official Fortnite Status page ([]) for any known outages or issues.

6. Restart your device and router: Sometimes a simple restart can fix temporary glitches.

7. Contact Fortnite Support: If you’ve tried all these steps and the issue persists, you can contact Fortnite Support for further assistance:

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

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