FFXIV For Every Mouth, a Carrot

For Every Mouth, a Carrot

In-game description: Managingway is eager to have you do some promotional work.

※Please note that the difficulty of this quest has been synced to your current level. Furthermore, you may not proceed with a class or job that is different from when you accepted this quest.

  • Quest giver: Managingway
  • Location: Mare Lamentorum (X:17.4, Y:16.0)
  • Quest line: Loporrit Daily Quests
  • Level: 80
  • Required quest: Too Few Cooks
  • Required items: 3   Carrot Steak
  • Requirements: Disciple of the Hand
  • Gil:  735
  • Patch: 6.35


  • 1 Loporrit Carat
  • 60 Loporrit Relations

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  • Speak with Keepingway.
  • Distribute samples in the Carrotorium.
  • Report to Managingway.


  • Managingway is eager to have you do some promotional work.
    • ※Please note that the difficulty of this quest has been synced to your current level. Furthermore, you may not proceed with a class or job that is different from when you accepted this quest.


Thanks to you, Cookingway’s station is running as smoothly as carrot-based butter. On the other paw, my manager’s eye has noticed that the Loporrits who patronize it make up only a fraction of its potential customer base…
Thanks to your generous assistance, the cooking station remains popular as ever. That said, I wager we could increase its customer base further by conducting another promotional campaign.
It so happens that Cookingway is of the same mind, and has made a selection of samples to help spread word. And who better to distribute them than you, a person from Etheirys no self-respecting Loporrit could refuse?
Ahem. Now, if I may take your silence as tacit agreement, I would point you towards Keepingway, who currently has the food samples in an insulative container under his care. Pray speak with him for the rest of the particulars.
Good to see you! Come to help with distributing these food samples, have you? Just a moment…
Voilà! Cookingway’s very own carrot steak. According to him, it’s an original recipe that takes the rich flavor of a fresh carrot and, ahem, “revolutionizes” it into a hot, meat-like dish.
One taste of this, and no Way will be able to resist taking another bite. Aye, I bet the cooking station will be bustling like never before when everyone comes hopping for seconds! Now, I’d be much obliged if you could distribute these samples in the Carrotorium before they become cold!
Now that I’ve finished my duties, I’d better fetch something to eat. I’m positively starving
Hm? Can I help you?
This savory, seductive aroma that pulls at my chest and teases my stomach can only be…carrot! Oh goodness me, I’m salivating rather profusely. May I take a bite?
Wh-What in Mother Hydaelyn’s name is this?! It’s absolutely scrumptious! How could I have lived in ignorance of such supreme delectableness for so long? I must have more… Excuse me, I will be at the cooking station if you have need of me!
O-Oh my…the carrot steak. Have you brought another sample for me?
How can a carrot be so succulent and sweet? Goodness, this dish truly is delicious!
But I bet it would be even better hot off the stove… Pardon me, friend, I must give the stomach what it wants!
Mmm, another healthy and hearty day of growth for my carrots! Won’t be much longer until they’re ready for consumption… Oh, er, didn’t see you there. Did you need something?
Er, is this a grilled carrot? Ugh, the ignorance. It is the very raw fleshiness of carrots that make them sublime. To cook one is criminal. Alas, I cannot reject a gift from a person of Etheirys. Very well, I shall take a bite─but just the one.
How rich a flavor…how provocative a texture! And the garnish─this fragrant spice─takes the carrot’s delightfully simple taste and gives it complexity─nay, vibrancy! To think that a carrot could be transformed into something quite so different, and yet so dainty…
I know this fragrance! As if I could ever forget the dish which took the sublimity of carrots and made it divine! Even now, my paws move with a mind of their own… I-I am all but helpless to resist…
Oooh, how unchangingly provocative its texture! How heavenly its rich flavor…
I can dine upon more exquisite dishes like this by visiting the cooking station, you say? Very well, then. If you’ll excuse me.
<yawn> …Hmm, what’s that rumbling noise? Or is it growling? …Oh, it’s my stomach! Mayhap I ought to have eaten before my nap.
You’re distributing samples of food from the cooking station? How timely! It looks to be some sort of steak…made from carrots? I-It smells good…
W-Wow! It’s so juicy! And its texture so soft! Is this the sensation carnivores feel when gorging on an animal’s flesh?
I can get more of this by visiting the cooking station, right? Then that’s where I’m headed! Thanks for the sample!
Oh, have you brought another sample of the carrot steak? I was just daydreaming about it!
Mmmmmm! I can’t get enough of this sensation! Each time I take a bite, the carrot’s rich juices gush into my mouth, and it makes me feel like an unstoppable predator! There are more of these freshly prepared at the cooking station, right? Then I’m off for seconds!
Welcome back, Forename. You’ll be pleased to know that the cooking station is now abuzz with hungry customers, eager to devour Cookingway’s delicious cuisine!
We have you─and the undeniable delectability of the carrot steak─to thank for this. No doubt Cookingway is thrilled with the results. Your assistance, as always, is appreciated!

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