FC 24 Icons Home Kit

In the official version of FC 24, Icons (retired legendary players) aren’t playable in Career Mode and therefore don’t have kits assigned to them. However, if you’re using mods that add Icons to Career Mode, there are two ways to approach the question of their home kit:

1. Mod-specific approach:

  • Some mods include custom kits for the Icons and Heroes they add. For example, the Career Overhaul Mod assigns specific home kits to each Icon based on their nationality or iconic teams.
  • Check the documentation or community forums of the specific mod you’re using to see if it provides any information about Icon home kits.

2. Manual assignment:

  • If your mod doesn’t specify kits for Icons, you can manually assign them home kits in-game through the Edit Teams menu.
  • Go to "Customize" > "Edit Teams" > Select the team where you want the Icon to play > Choose the Kit Editor tab.
  • Here, you can select any existing kit within the game as the home kit for the Icon. You can even mix and match kit elements from different sets to create a custom look.

Additional points:

  • Remember that some mods might have conflicts with the official game assets, potentially affecting kit customization.
  • If you’re unsure about anything, consult the modding community or forums for your specific mod.

Ultimately, the choice of which home kit to give your Icons in FC 24 Career Mode is up to you and your preferred level of customization. With a bit of exploration and creativity, you can create a truly unique experience for your legendary players!

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