FC 24 How To Defend Penalties

Saving penalties in FC 24 can be a thrilling yet nerve-wracking experience. While there’s no guaranteed way to stop every penalty, there are definitely strategies and techniques you can employ to increase your chances of success. Here’s a breakdown:

Pre-penalty positioning:

  • Read the penalty taker: Observe their run-up, body language, and eye movements. Do they favor a particular corner? Are they looking to place it delicately or smash it with power?

  • Decide your diving direction: Based on your observations, choose a side to dive towards. Remember, staying central can be risky as it gives the taker more options.

  • Fake the dive (optional): Just before the penalty is taken, you can fake a dive to one side to try and trick the taker into going the other way. This is a risky tactic, but it can be effective if you pull it off.

During the shot:

  • React quickly: The penalty taker’s movements will be very subtle, so be ready to react instantly to their shot direction.

  • Dive with good form: Extend your arms and legs towards the ball, and try to make yourself as big as possible. Aim to cover the corner you chose and anticipate the power of the shot.

  • Consider the power: If the penalty is hit with a lot of power, it might be difficult to save even if you guess the direction correctly. In these cases, focus on getting a strong hand or body on the ball to deflect it away from goal.

Additional tips:

  • Practice in skill games: There are specific penalty drills in the game’s "Learn to Play" section. These drills allow you to practice your diving technique and get used to the pressure of penalty situations.

  • Analyze penalty takers: If you’re facing a specific player known for their penalty-taking skills, watch replays of their previous penalties to see if you can identify any patterns.

  • Stay calm and focused: Don’t let the pressure get to you. Stay calm and focused on the task at hand, and remember that even the best goalkeepers miss penalties sometimes.

Remember, there’s no magic formula for saving penalties. However, by following these tips and practicing regularly, you can significantly improve your chances of making those crucial saves and keeping your team in the game.

I hope this helps! Feel free to ask if you have any other questions.

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