FC 24 How To Defend Better

Defending effectively in FC 24 requires mastering various skills and strategies to shut down your opponent’s attacks and win possession. Here are some key tips to improve your defensive game:

Pre-emptive measures:

  • Reading the game: Anticipate your opponent’s moves by observing their formations, player movements, and passing patterns. This proactive approach allows you to position your defenders effectively before they receive the ball.
  • Compactness: Maintain a tight defensive shape with players close together. This reduces passing lanes and makes it harder for attackers to dribble through your defense.
  • Pressing: Apply controlled pressure on the ball carrier to force mistakes or win the ball back quickly. Use the R1/RB button for a controlled press, but avoid overcommitting and leaving gaps in your defense.

Man-to-man defending:

  • Jockeying: Use the L2/LT button to contain attackers without lunging in for tackles. This allows you to react quickly to their movements and choose the right moment to challenge.
  • Contain and cover: Don’t chase attackers around, instead, focus on staying between them and the goal while your teammates cover potential passing options.
  • Tackling: Time your tackles carefully and avoid lunging, aiming for the ball at its cleanest point to win possession without fouling. Use the X/Square button for standing tackles and O/B for sliding tackles.

Situational defending:

  • Crosses: Assign your tallest defenders to mark the near and far posts during corners and freekicks. Use the L1/LB button to jump and head the ball clear.
  • Counter-attacks: Be prepared to transition quickly from defense to attack when you win the ball back. Look for quick passing options and exploit spaces left behind by the attacking team.

Additional tips:

  • Practice: Utilize the training drills and practice matches to hone your defensive skills and experiment with different tactics.
  • Teamwork: Communicate effectively with your teammates to coordinate your movements and cover each other’s backs.
  • Adapt: Adjust your defensive approach based on the strengths and weaknesses of your opponent and the game situation.

Remember, defending is an art that requires constant practice and refinement. By implementing these tips and tailoring them to your playing style, you can become a formidable defensive force in FC 24.

I hope this information helps you improve your defending skills! Let me know if you have any other questions.

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